Course details
Did you start learning React but you are strugglingto grasp the most import concepts such as: Redux, server-side rendering in React or how to build your own API?
In this course you will learn:
- how to develop scalable web applications by managing the "state" in Redux
- how to implement Universal or Isomorphic React applications to maximise performance and SEO compliancy
- how to build APIswith NodeExpressjs and MongoDB
- How to deploy your app toAWS(Amazon Web Services) or to Heroku.
Bonus material:
- in the course you will find an eBook with all code & changes lecture by lecture!
If you want to become a professional React web developer, it is critical to master Redux and server-side rendering.
Redux allows you to manage the state in React in a convenient and flexible fashion. Without Redux, you will never be able to develop scalable apps.
Server-side rendering, it is critical for performances and SEO compliancy. Without understanding server-side rendering, you will never be able to develop commercially valuable web applications.
Initially, I will be focusing on explaining the concepts and patters in Reactjs (MERN stack) and writing the bear minimum code to make easier for you to absorb all new notions without distraction, but later in the course you will write an entire Reactjs Shopping-cart application from scratch.
It will give you the opportunity to consolidate all your learnings in a challenging project!
By developing an entire shopping-cart, you will be exposed to the most critical patterns in Reactjs web development allowing you to build complex and scalable web application on your own after the course.
THISCOURSEISNOTFORABSOLUTEBEGINNERS. Besidea basic knowledge of html and javascript the students must have a good understanding of state and props in React.
In principle, if you are able to write a basic To-do app in React, you will not encounter any problem on understanding the lectures and benefit from the course.
THECODEIS ES6 WITHOUTSYNTACTICSUGARto make the code less cryptic and more readable and transparent to those who don't have much experience in javascript.If you are an experienced javascript developer, you will have no issue to adopt any syntactic sugar you wish on the fly.
You can find the entire source code in the e-book attached in the last section of the course.
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