Course details
Over 45 years ago, my family was a victim of Flood Agnus in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.Our home and family business were completely wiped outbut we put our lives back together thanks to the help of emergency programs from the US Government.
Before this flood, I knew nothing about Uncle Sam except paying taxes and getting a drivers license. But since that time, I became fascinated about the existence of little-knowngovernment programs that can change peoples lives, after a natural… + Read More
Course details
Over 45 years ago, my family was a victim of Flood Agnus in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.Our home and family business were completely wiped outbut we put our lives back together thanks to the help of emergency programs from the US Government.
Before this flood, I knew nothing about Uncle Sam except paying taxes and getting a drivers license. But since that time, I became fascinated about the existence of little-knowngovernment programs that can change peoples lives, after a natural disaster or anytime.
Ive sold over 4 million books on the subject. My lifes mission is to make sure everyone living in America is aware of more than17,000 sources of government money and help anyone can use to help better their life.
This course shows how to take advantage of every program hat provides extra money and free services that government spends ZEROmoney advertising.
- Over 327Programs that give out an average of$21,000 per year to every family in America.
- Only 12%of this money goes to low-income people.
- You shouldnever ask for a grantbecause 80% of the free money available is not called grants.
- Most government programs haveno income requirements.
- Governmentmoney is given out locally not in Washington,so you must know the city and regional offices to contact. (Course includes free ebook with all the local links and contact info.)
- The government givesloans you dont have to pay back.
- Government programs putpersonal grants into your banksavings accounts.
- No cost Internet websitesnow provide more free personal grant money than some government programs.
- These programs can be used to:
Pay Your Daily Bills and Living Expenses
Get Free Training and Education to Get a Better Job
Buy or Fix Up a Home
Start Your Own Business or Expand an Existing One
Get Out of Debt
Pay for Health, Dental and Pet Care
Get Free Mentoring, Financial, and Legal Consulting Help
And a Whole Lot More
This course isAmerica'sMost Complete Reference Sourceto (most) Every Free Source of Money and Help available from Government Offices, Non-Profit Organizations and the Internet for People Living in Florida.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less