Course details

Aimed at guitarists at a basic to intermediate level in Fingerstyle, Classical or Electric Guitar. A basic knowledge of the fretboard would be desirable but the bulk of the course will be aimed at learning and developing a good right hand technique and gaining a foundation in the basic rhythms and techniques of Flamenco guitar.


Aimed at guitarists at an advanced level in Fingerstyle, Classical or Electric Guitar.  A high level of left hand technique and a good right hand technique would be desirable, as well as a decent knowledge of the fretboard.

The course is aimed at developing and improving advanced right hand techniques as well as focusing on modern and traditional Flamenco harmony, scales, arpeggios and Flamenco Compas (rhythmic structure).

John will also demonstrate his own approach to Flamenco composition with examples in each palo covered from one of his compositions.  Throughout the course, participants will prepare a short piece with a view to a student performance at course completion.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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The Royal Irish Academy of Music is a home of musical excellence and dynamism, a place of teaching and learning which consistently achieves its objective of transmitting and maintaining the highest standards of performance and appreciation in all musical disciplines. Founded in 1848 the Academy is Ireland’s oldest musical institution.

As a national thirty-two county institution, the Academy embodies and reflects the traditions and heritage of Irish musicianship. The Teaching Staff includes many international and national prizewinners, members of the National Symphony Orchestra of Ireland and the RTÉ Concert Orchestra and many individuals whose names have become synonymous with music education in Ireland.

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