Course details

Fixed income and other debt securities are one of the largest investment classes. In some countries investors might buy their Governments’ securities directly, but most Fixed Income/Debt securities are owned by financial institutions – funds, insurers or banks.

Learning Outcomes

  • The principal learning outcomes from this course are
  • You will be able to describe the key features of fixed Income – who issues them and why, who buys them and for what reasons, what are the main types?
  • Delegates will understand how financial institutions invest in the sector
  • You will be able to explain how investors measure performance and measure and manage fixed income risk.

Who Should Attend

You work in asset management

You work for a bank or insurer

You work in funds administration

You are with the regulator

You want to work in financial services in Ireland

Course Content

  • Jargon busting introduction – what are Fixed Income/Debt investments, what are the key types and how do they work?
  • Main issuers – Governments, Banks, large corporates
  • Main investors and why do they invest?
  • Risks and benefits for investors
  • Case study 1: measures of risk and return
  • Risk management : using fixed income derivatives
  • Fashions and trends in the sector
  • Case study 2: catastrophe bonds
  • Fixed income/Debt collective funds
  • Case study 3 : life of a bond trade
  • Prospects for the bond market.
Updated on 08 November, 2015
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