The Management Transition AZTech Training & Consultancy
Price: AED 21,853

    Course details

    The opportunity of a move to management is both exciting and alarming. What will the role entail? What will my responsibilities be? How will I learn to be an effective and respected manager? Will it affect my relationships with my friends and colleagues? This course seeks to reassure and build confidence by explaining the role and capabilities that are required. Delegates will have the opportunity to explore current thinking on what good practice entails. Through self-assessment they will gain understanding of their own capabilities and identify further development needs going forward.

    In the 21st Century the world of work is changing. New technologies are being introduced which affect how work is done, how we communicate, how information is shared and the insights it delivers are used and hence who makes decisions and how. Organisational structures and hierarchies are having to adapt. Most jobs require knowledge workers, highly skilled and educated, who demand opportunities for growth, stimulation and development. Traditional approaches to motivating staff and opportunities for career development are changing. Management has always been complex topic and must now adapt to the changing work environment. This AZTech training course offers staff transitioning into management roles or needing development once in a new role, the opportunity to find out what management involves in an informative, fun and challenging way. It will enable you to work towards becoming the manager 'you wish to be'.

    This AZTech training course will feature:
    • Understanding the key responsibilities of a manager
    • Developing team leadership competencies
    • Understanding the role of managers in the HR cycle
    • Developing capabilities to manage resources: People, Finance, IT
    • Developing problem solving skills
    What are the Goals?

    By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:
    • Understand the managers' role and their key strengths and further development needs
    • Apply team leadership skills to enhance performance in the workplace
    • Build relationships with other functions such as HR, finance and IT
    • Develop creative thinking skills for effective problem solving
    • Recognise the importance of dispersed leadership and decision making
    Updated on 01 October, 2018

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Project Managers , General Manager , Program Manager

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    We are banking on the vast experience we have accumulated over the years to provide our Clients with a competitive edge through the provision of quality assured training and skills development courses.

    Our comprehensive portfolio of more than 500-skill building professional development courses and seminars cover a range of industry from Management, Technical to Strategy to Health, Safety & Security, we have it all from A-Z.

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