Course details

Do you want to create a more risk focused culture for your organization? This 5 day in-depth course looks at practical ways you can improve your organization's perspective on risk, how to use resources efficiently and be in a better position to effectively coordinate regulatory and compliance matters.
Individuals will come away from this course with an heightened awareness of Enterprise Risk Management in an increasingly risk commercial environment.

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‘Accelerating people capability and performance across the full asset lifecycle’

Our Purpose

We want to help our clients empower their people, maximizing professional capabilities to sustain asset integrity and growth. The Academy’s offerings will create a learning experience that will engage, inspire and empower learners to transfer their knowledge back into the workplace.

What we Offer

The Worley Academy delivers learning and development programs through; public courses, long–term alliances, tailored programs, and specialized consultancy. With over 90 instructors and 200 courses, our training capability covers a range of disciplines needed for continuing professional development.

  • Have access to the most current/up to date knowledge of industry norms/trends
  • Are intimately aware of client requirements/wants
  • Are able to effectively adapt courses for individual clients
  • Are positioned to offer training in an extensive number of countries/regions
  • Have instructors with current practical operational or asset delivery experience
  • All of our courses can be tailored and delivered in-house.

All of our courses can be tailored and delivered in-house.

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