First Aid Refresher Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre
Price: AED 804

    Course details

    Please note that persons who are certified in Occupational First Aid prior to September 2008 must re-certify within 3 years (with a grace period of no more than 3 months). All persons who are certified in Occupational First Aid post September 2008 must re-certify every 2 years. Participants will need to provided a copy of their Occupational First Aid Certificate, or a letter from their company (which includes proof that the course happened, i.e. invoice) or details from the company that conducted the training. Otherwise they can attend the course, but if we do not get the appropriate evidence, then they will receive a cert of attendance only (not FETAC).

    Participants will receive a Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) Level 5 certificate in Occupational First Aid if they attended their previous course prior to September 2008 and do not currently hold a FETAC certificate. Thereafter, the first aider will receive a certificate of attendance valid for 2 years. FETAC does not issue refresher certificates.

    Course Aim

    Learners who successfully complete this module will:

    • Understand the responsibilities of the occupational first aider
    • Be able to provide treatment for the purpose of preserving life or minimising the consequences of injury until discharge or the arrival of medical assistance.
    • Be able to provide treatment at the workplace for an injury which does not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse.
    • Be capable of coordinating first aid arrangements in the workplace.
    • Be familiar with health and safety legislation on first aid provision in the workplace.

    Units The specific learning outcomes are grouped into 8 units

    Unit 1 First aid in the workplace Unit 2 Patient assessment Unit 3 Respiratory emergencies Unit 4 Cardiac first response Unit 5 Wounds and bleeding Unit 6 Altered levels of consciousness Unit 7 Musculoskeletal injuries Unit 8 Burns and scalds, chemicals, electric shock

    Course Aim

    • To ensure that participants are competent within their role as occupational first-aiders on an ongoing basis.

    Course Objectives

    • Participants who have completed this course will be able to:
    • Demonstrate up to date practical skills
    • Explain new developments in first aid
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre

    The brainchild of Vincent Reynolds, CEO, Cavan County Enterprise Board, and Professor Eamon McQuade, University of Limerick (a native of Virginia, Co. Cavan).  CITC was established with the aim of promoting innovation in the region, by giving local business access to the latest technology and training methods.

    Its origins can be traced back to the formation, in 1999, of a partnership betTheyen Cavan County Enterprise Board and Fermanagh University Partnership Board. The concept also grew in response to calls from the local business community for access to quality training and education. Plans for the development of Cavan Innovation & Technology Centre Theyre officially launched by An Taoiseach, Mr. Bertie Ahern, T.D. on 12th May 2000.

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