Course details

Want to be more CREATIVE?

Don't know how or where to start?

Join in Find Your Creative Freedom to get started!

Easy prompts and tips to loosen

your creative muscles and

let your inner creative have some fun!

Who is this for?

  • writers, doodlers, artists, photographer, pianists, players, knitters, potters, anyone who wants to CREATE
  • maybe you used to do these things but something made you stop
  • time, family, commitments, it seemed 'silly' to want to do those things?
  • but now, you feel too - old, rusty, silly, wonder what will people say, and what if you can't do it anymore?
  • So, your piano stands untuned, your sketchbook unfilled, your notebooks abandoned, your dreams dormant
  • but every now and then, a little part of you whispers, 'why not', and you have a go
  • and that makes you feel....excited, better, happier, more you.
  • you want to meet others who feel the same
  • you want to stop being a 'cramped creative'
  • and be truly YOU!

With just a few minutes a day you can start to build your creative habit.

4 weeks of fun, small, easy to do prompts to spark your inner creative into life.

5-20 minutes a day.

At the end of the 4 weeks I want you to have a regular creative habit that you can build on

Learn tips on how to silence that inner critic and listen to your inner creative

It's time to grind that Gremlin, grab the permission slip, and (re)discover your creative self!

This course is aimed at helping you START!

Start small, start silly....START!

Once you do, you will find yourself looking for that time, craving your creativity, changing your priorities, sharing your passion.

I'm Jennifer and I literally wrote the book on 'Freeing Your Creativity'.
In my old life as an IT Analyst, when I was a 'cramped creative',  I dreamed of writing a book. Now, I have and people have found it has inspired them to create more.


What people have said about the book -


"the perfect complement to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, but it's a perfect standalone 'How To' book for anyone who wishes they were more creative, or is sure that they are but don't know how to express it."


"I've just finished reading this and can't believe how much I resonated with it. I hadn't quite realised that nurturing your creativity is so important for our well-being."
This course is the book in practical form. Where we take the idea that more creative practise in our lives is a path to improved wellbeing and happiness, and act on it. There were practical examples in the book but it's easy to read about something, and much harder to actually do it. I deliberately refer to it as a 'practise',  because just as with anything it takes time and repetition to form a habit and to fully allow creativity into our lives. So just as yoga or meditation is seen as a 'practise', as an ongoing learning experience, so is creativity. And just as with those things, you don't need a certain age bracket, or skill or expensive equipment, what you need is to start small, and build up your habit. And habits take 21+ days to build. So 4 weeks ought to give you a good start!

This course is for you if - 

  • You keep dreaming of doing your creative thing 
  • You know, the one that pops into your mind every so often, the thing you used to do. 
  • The thing you assumed you would always do. 
  • The things that makes you feel truly 'you'. 
  • This has been going on for Months, Years, possibly Decades!

                                Come join me in Find Your Creative Freedom and STOP Dreaming, Start CREATING!

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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