Financial Bootcamp for Non-Financial Professionals Anderson Consulting & Training
Price: GBP 3,194

    Course details

    Finance & Accounting for Non-Financial Professionals
    Business professionals and managers in any organisation rely upon financial information to enable them to effectively undertake their roles. Financial information can provide a clear picture of events that have occurred, and a sound basis for forecasting future events. It can also show whether activities are cost-effective, whether targets have been met, and can be used to measure comparative performance and profitability.
    It is vitally important that managers are able to understand, interpret, and utilise financial information and reports, and can acquire the knowledge and skills to apply financial techniques to financial data, to inform logical and worthwhile decision-making.
    Who Should take this Course?
    • Sales and marketing, 
    • Logistics and supply, 
    • Human resource, 
    • Production and engineering, 
    • Risk management and internal audit, 
    This course would also be useful for consultants and advisors who work with business organisations, such as bankers and lawyers, and non-executive directors. Updated on 06 January, 2020

    Job roles this course is suitable for:

    Team Leader , Acccountant , Finance Manager

    About Anderson Consulting & Training

    ANDERSON center for Executive Education offers a portfolio of courses and seminars developed by academia’s and industry’s most forward-thinking minds. Our Executive Courses help professionals develop the skills and knowledge to embrace change and catalyze success in their respective area of industries.

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