Film, TV, & Video Game Music Composition + Production BASICS Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

When I first ordered this course, I honestly thought I was going to get a lot of the same things I knew about composition work...What Steven did here blows my expectations out of the water. He gives a lot of advanced music theory techniques, as well as detailed help on how to use your DAW, and he keeps you on your toes with some of these quizzes. Especially after you get half way through the course. I don't regret the money I paid for this course at all, and I'm glad that I have this course to reference when I'm in a bit of a pickle with my own goals. Monish C.

Absolutely phenomenal course! All the lectures go into great depth on the lesson topic and explain it clearly. Thanks for the awesome course Steven!Kenan B.

This is a nice introduction to some of the many facets ofwriting music for TV, game, and film. While you can't expect a course of this scale to go too in-depth into any one aspect, it does provide several tips and tricks that an aspiring composer can incorporate rather quickly into their writing. Overall, it was an enjoyable course and it is always nice to get an inside peek behind the scenes of someone working in the industry. Hank S.

Great course! Steven is more than qualified to teach this course and his insight on the nature of composing for video games is well worth your time. Mark B.




STEVEN MELIN is a leading music composer for digital media. His music is in thousands of projects across all forms of media including film, television, video games, animation, podcasts, advertising, social media, YouTube, motion comics, visual novels, apps...and more! Steven believes that every creator has a story to tell. Music is a powerful tool for emotionally connecting audiences to the story.Every Story Matters.

Steven is the #1 Mentor for Music Composers. He is a Best-Selling & Highest-Rated course instructor on Udemy, founder of theSonic Storytellers Facebook group, and author of$ix Figure Music Composer. Steven also hosts aYouTube channel, theSonic Storytellers Podcast, and writes apersonal blogto help thousands of composers earn $ix Figures a year, escape the 9-5, and support their families composing music for digital media.


Are you a composer, student, or musician desiringtocreateand produce high-qualityprofessional music for Film, TV, &Video Games? Since 2016, this Best-Selling & Top-Rated Course in Music Composition & Game Music Categorieshas helpedstudents around the worldmakethis dream a reality.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills,knowledge, and confidence to build a successful musicportfolio &demo reel andsell yourwork as a composer for Film, TV, &Video Games. With a deeper understanding of the composition and productionprocesses, you will be equipped to easilywrite,mix, master, and produce effectivemusic that sounds professional, polished, and impressive.


This course contains 10 years of hard-won industry experience and knowledge condensedinto one polished course. Every course topichas been carefully pruned to reduce yourtime investment and maximizeresults.

This course is organized into 10 core sections plus an introduction and bonus lectures a total of 6.5+hoursof videocontent!Each section concludes with a practical Exercise and Quiz to test your skills at each benchmark. Irecommendallowingyourself 10 weeks to complete this course for optimum results (one SectionExercise and Quizper week), however youCANcompleteit in a much quicker time (10 days = one Section Exercise and Quizper day). The course is structured in a linear fashion:from Beginner concepts (writing, recording, notation) to Intermediate (electronic music, orchestration, music production), to the final ExpertSection- Writing for Film, TV, &Video Games.

WhyShould You Take This Course?

  • This is theONLYonline course (seriously! look it up)that teaches bothcompositionANDproduction techniques for Film, TV, & Video Games without having to enroll in an expensive college or university program.

  • From Beginner to Expert topics, everything you need to knowis covered!

  • Each of the10 corecourse Sections includes a benchmarkExercise and Quiz to test your knowledge along the way.

  • The entirecourse is taught by a single experienced teacher.No confusing teacher changes halfway through!

  • Downloadable resources include useful diagrams,charts, and checklists

  • Personal support and access to the instructor.

  • Small one-time upfrontpayment, no subscription.

  • High-quality, curated information from10 years of hard-won industry experience and knowledge.Every course topichas been carefully pruned to reduce yourtime investment and maximizeresults.

  • Unlimited Access FOREVERanywhere, 24/7 on all devices.

  • Over 8 hours of video lectures.

  • Delivered in an entertaining and enjoyable way!

  • 30-Day FullRefund Policy this means ZERORISK! What are you waiting for?

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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