Course details

The single major objective of the program is to develop the trainee doctors into highly competent specialists in the branch of Diabetology. t wil be achieved through a structured and supervised training program where the candidate wil receive hands-on experience in the practice of cSnical diabetology performed independently but under the guidance and supervision of highly competent senbr teachers and speaaIsts. Such cinical training wil be supplemented with theoretical (didactic) teaching, setf-motivated computer-based access to information, and involvement in research At the end of the training period the candidates wil be assessed for their competence through a series of cinical and theoretical examinations given by internal and external assessors


Training in Diabetology shall take place after successful completion of a postgraduate qualification in General Medicine or in Internal Medicine, which could be:

  • Postgraduate Training Program (PGTP) in Internal Medicine, Kuwait Institute of Medical Specialization (KIMS).
  • American Board Certification in Internal Medicine.
  • MRCP (Internal Medicine), and a one-year period of service after obtaining the Membership.
  • Any postgraduate qualification equivalent to any of the above and approved and recognized by KIMS.


Diabetology training at:

  • Hospital-based adult Diabetes Units at Mubarak Al-Kabeer, Amiri and Sabah Hospitals, including fundus and foot clinics.
  • Hospital based pediatric Diabetes Units at Amiri and Farwania Hospitals.

Training in the following subspecialties:

  • Opthalmology
  • Neurology
  • Nephrology
  • Cardiology
  • Community Medicine

Training in Diabetes Research

All diabetes training would be carried out in Diabetes Units in which the opportunity to participate directly in research is available.


This examination shall consist of the following components: 

  • Log Book/Portfolio 
  • Inspection of attested Log Books/portfolios maintained by the trainee.

Part i 

The Part I Examination will be conducted at the end of 24 months of training, and will deal primarily with basic sciences and applied diabetology. It will be given in an MCQ format

Part II

The Part II Examination will deal mainly with specialties related to clinical diabetology, and shall consist of theoretical examinations, clinical bedside examinations and viva examinations.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization

KIMS was established under a decree issued by HH the Amir of Kuwait. The institute is engaged in a variety of activities, including the organization of internship training of pre-registration medical graduates, specialty training at various levels in different medical fields, and continuing medical education programs for health professionals practicing in Kuwait.

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