Course details

This is a support course for parents, teachers and learners who are working through the language series of Fast ForWord. It includes support materials for,

  • Language v2
  • Language to Reading

The support materials are designed to give you a clear explanation of how the exercises work and how they help learners. They include practical tips that you can try at home or school to keep your children/students engaged and motivated.

The resources and strategies in this course have been developed by the team at LearnFast Australia, who have over a decade of experience in using the Fast ForWord programs to help people (both young and old) with learning and reading difficulties.

The course does not contain access to the exercises. Although the course is set up in Sections and Lectures in sequential order, you do not need to work through it sequentially. You can go straight to areas of need to get your questions answered. 

You will find a combination of,

  • videos
  • text based resources for download in PDF format
  • on screen text

You will also have the opportunity to complete a feedback form to let us know how you went, and how we can improve this resource for future users. We welcome your comments.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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