Course details

If you are a top-management executive looking forward to direct your organization towards excellence, Expert in Supply Chain-Differentiated Management certification will help you to boost your productivity and collaboration.

The ESC-DM certified employees could provide you the best results and accomplish even bigger goals.

What is ESC-DM?

  • Recognized program by International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute(IPSCMI)
  • Designed for professionals seeking an in-depth knowledge and understanding of supply chain and differential selection from a variety of developed concepts

What benefits will ES C-DM offer you?

  • Allows you to qualify for promotion by understanding the importance of differentiating and optimizing supply chain management
  • Offers a modern approach to supply chain management by focusing on simultaneous management of multiple supply chains

What will you learn?

  • Basic supply chain management strategies
  • How can differentiation best fit within supply chain strategies
  • Business case study to develop robust supply chain and to influence mastering the concept of selecting and developing the best fit supply chain management strategy
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About Task Training Center

TASK Is an independent firm with experience in the field of Supply Chain, Lean Six Sigma and Quality Management, They have been successfully providing Their clients with business and professional solutions, as Theyll as expertise in the organization. TASK offers an impressive range of international certification programs, consulting in the above fields. Their experienced consultants provide these services to a large number of organizations, both private and public. They pride Theirselves on Their track record and long-standing relationships with Their clients, many of whom have been with us since They started business.

TASK They understand that having top-rate professionals working in efficient teams is the heart of any company. Hence, They have created teams of the most skilled professionals and provided them with the right tools and environment to give their best.

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