Ethical Issues for Accountants Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland
Price: USD 137
  • Duration: 5 Hours

Course details


How confident are you that you always understand the appropriate, professional course of action in difficult and ambiguous situations? Ethics, integrity and sound professional conduct are essential qualities for chartered accountants. Professional bodies have codes to guide their members – but what impact does this have on the day-to-day decisions that you are faced with?

Based on research carried out by David Molyneaux, and sponsored by ICAS, this course takes a case+ Read More

About Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

Chartered Accountants Ireland (The Institute) is a membership body representing 23,000 influential members throughout the globe. their role is to educate, represent and support their members. their members work in senior positions in practice and industry. they are committed to restoring confidence at every level of the economy. they work with governments and businesses to raise awareness of the importance of sound financial advice.
Chartered Accountants Ireland was established as the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland by Royal Charter in 1888. Its activities and those of its members are governed by its Bye-Laws and by Rules relating to professional and ethical conduct. These provisions are contained in the Handbook which is available to all members.
Chartered Accountants Ireland is governed by a Council and it is responsible for determining policy and monitoring its implementation. Council is lead by the Officer Group and supported by the Management Team and staff. A number of committees with voluntary member involvement also play a key role.
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