Establishing Team Goals And Responsibilities New Horizons Lebanon
Price: TBA
  • Duration: 1 Hour

Course details

  • All individuals have strengths that allow them to achieve goals consistently and successfully. In a team setting, those individual strengths can combine to lead the whole team to success, or they can create conflict and tension. To harness individual strengths and personalities, you need solid ground rules for the team. You also need to allocate roles and responsibilities for maximum efficiency. This course outlines initial steps that should be performed when building a team, including establishing the team goal and assigning roles to inpidual team members in a way that ensures the team will collectively meet its goal. The course also discusses the importance of fully understanding one's responsibilities and how the various roles work together to achieve the goal.
  • analyze given team goals and recommend any necessary improvements
  • identify examples of team goals that are in alignment with a given corporate goal
  • recognize team goals that are clear and measurable
  • assign responsibilities to given team members
  • identify areas related to expectations that team members need to understand
Updated on 08 November, 2015

About New Horizons Lebanon

As changes in technology have accelerated, it’s become even more essential for people to master technology to be productive, invaluable employees who optimize, program and invent solutions—and even grow companies of their own. With over 300 centers in 60 countries, New Horizons is the world’s largest independent IT and Business training company. Over the past 35 years, New Horizons has delivered a full range of IT and business skills/Management training through innovative learning methods that have transformed businesses and helped over 35 million students reach their goals. New Horizons Lebanon branch was established in 1996.

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