ES WSQ Develop Personal Effectiveness at Supervisory Level Civil Service College Singapore
Price: SGD 363

    Course details

    Improve your employability by gaining skills that enable you to better adapt to new job demands, work challenges and changing work environment!

    In this course, you will gain knowledge such as how you can establish your personal goals and relate them to your department’s goals. You will also learn life skills such as how to manage your time, stress and personal finances, as well as how to maintain a work-life balance, and to be an effective team leader or supervisor at your workplace.


    By the end of this course, you will be able to apply knowledge and life skills such as:

    • Establishing personal goals and analysing them to relate to departmental goals
    • Managing time effectively
    • Maintaining work-life balance
    • Managing stress
    • Personal finances to be effective at the workplace as a team leader or supervisor
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Civil Service College Singapore

    The mission of the Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore is to develop people for a first-class Public Service. CSC was inaugurated as a statutory board under the Public Service pision, Prime Minister's Office.

    As the public sector's core institution for training, learning, research and staff development, CSC provides officers from across the Public Service with opportunities to:

    Learn and share knowledge

    Network, dialogue and exchange views

    Develop a service-wide ethos and shared perspectives

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