Course details

The Environmental Regulation in Practice course aims to introduce students to the legislative framework which governs environmental protection together with legal aspects of health, hygiene and safety. Environmental law (ranging from international treaty obligation to local by laws) can be very different in theory from the practice. It is therefore important not only to know the current law but also to understand where it comes from, how it is interpreted by the regulated and applied by the regulators. With such knowledge, scientists, engineers and managers may all appreciate their legal obligations and liabilities and contribute more effectively to the implementation of environmental policy and legislation within the context of Sustainable Development.

Qualifications Gained

  • Portobello Institute Advanced Certificate in Environmental Regulation in Practice

Entry Requirement

  • Entry to this course is by direct application to the college. There are no previous academic requirements.

Course Content

  1. Basic introduction to law and to the EU and Irish Legal Systems
  2. Legal Liability, regulators, instruments for change and risk based regulation
  3. The legal framework for the following specific areas are addressed; Air polution and air quality management, IPPC; Contaminated land, Dangerous substances (e.g. GMO's & Hazardous & Radioactive Substances); Land-use planning, Nature conservation, Common law and Statutory Nuisance, Waster management & Producer Responsibility, Water polution and abstraction.
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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