Course details

The Environmental Legislation course is designed to provide a basic understanding of Environmental Legislation to enable participants to take advantage of the opportunities presented in the growing energy management sector. It is designed for anyone wishing to acquire a basic understanding of the environmental legislation in Ireland.

The rapid increase in the demand for "green" goods and services has continued even in the midst of the current global recession. The development of the "green economy" can make a significant contribution to restoring Ireland's economy to growth with opportunities for employment. First step to capitalising in this sector is to acquire a solid knowledge of the environmental regulatory framework and the key pieces of legislation as enacted in Ireland.

Qualifications gained

  • Portobello Institute Certificate in Environmental Legislation

Entry requirement

  • Entry to this course is by direct application to the college. There are no previous academic requirements.

Course Description

  • Principles of environmental regulation
  • Overview of the EU and Irish legal systems
  • Outline of the Mandate of Environmental Enforcement Agencies (EPA, An Bord Pleanala and Local Authorities)
  • Summary of key legislation in the Environmental Acquis under the headings of:
  • Planning and land use law (including EIA and SEA)
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Air
  • Climate change and ozone protection
  • Biodiversity and nature protection
  • Industrial pollution prevention and control
  • Noise
  • Legal penalties for non-compliance

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding EU and Irish Legal systems
  • Appreciation of regulatory enforcement
  • Identify the key principles of environmental regulation
  • Know the role and responsibility of enforcement agencies
  • Describe the key pieces of environmental legislation
Updated on 08 November, 2015

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