Course details

Course Overview:

ccurate communication in the oil and gas industry is vital. One mistake could have a severe financial impact, not only for the company, but the country as a whole. Most slip up’s are due to lack of understanding between the person giving the instruction and the person receiving it.

Demands are not only on doing the job properly, but also on doing the job safely. Every person needs to have a perfect understanding of their duties, the safety protocol and emergency+ Read More

About Modern Gulf Institute

  • Year Established: 2005

The institute has a strong management team with many years experience in the Gulf. Their primary commitment is to advance students’ education in a safe environment.

All teachers are qualified native speakers and come from countries such as Canada, the UK, South Africa, America and Australia. In keeping with our Omanisation policy, all administration staff are Omani nationals. The idea of training courses designed specifically to achieve definitive aims has been well received by companies in Oman. Understanding the requirements of our customers is high on our agenda, which is why sponsors can rely on us for regular reporting, constant feedback and open two way communication.


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