Engage Your Audience on Mobile Platform Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts
Price: SGD 490

    Course details

    All enrichment programmes are beginners' level, unless otherwise stated and are conducted once a week.

    Course Confirmation

    Participants will be notified of the course status through letter or email one week before the scheduled commencement date of the course.


    Upon completion, participants with at least 70% attendance will receive a Certificate of Participation


    • Course fee excludes registration fee of S$32.10 and materials cost.
    • Cash, NETS or VISA payment can
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    About Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts

    NAFA currently has eight Departments: 3D Design, Arts Management and Education, Design and Media, Fine Art, Fashion Studies, Dance, Music and Theatre. The Academy conducts a comprehensive range of full-time diploma courses and delivers degree programmes in partnership with reputable universities from Singapore and the UK. Courses are taught by an international faculty of academics and leading arts practitioners who are passionate about imparting lifelong skills in the arts. Courses are designed to enable students to think critically, creatively and independently and at the same time master important technical skills in a disciplined and structured pace. Engagement and partnerships with industry, the arts community and cultural organisations are regular features and part of the learning process to help our students acquire a repertoire of complex skills-set and knowledge.

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