Udemy Elite Close Combat Training: "Law Dog" Self Defense Udemy
Price: AED 533
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Elite Close Combat Training: "Law Dog" Self Defense

How Even Skinny, "Barney Fife" Cops Single-Handedly Control And Dominate Violent Criminals, Gang-Bangers And Other Cold-Blooded Killers... Without Even Drawing Their Guns!

If you want to know how even a "puny" man can control and dominate violent criminals (even a mob of violent criminals) barehanded... then here's how some of the world's most elite law enforcement agents do it.

And why you can do the same thing with the information in this letter.

Here's what it's all about:

Several years ago one of my military contacts told me about this small (even puny), "Barney Fife" cop who got stuck in a small mob of angry rioters -- some of them violent, and armed to the teeth with clubs, knives and even guns.

His partner had been knocked unconscious by a brick that flew through the passenger side window of his squad car. And there was nobody else around to help.

So what did "Barney" do?

Wait for backup?

Drive away as fast as possible?


After calling his position in to dispatch, this crazy cop walked into the thick of these violent criminals...

Without So Much As Drawing HisFirearm Or Tazer!

What happened?

Within minutes, he had the entire crowd on their knees, hands on their heads, obeying his every command. In fact, the way I heard it, he even had them raising their hands for permission when they wanted to ask him questions -- terrified to disobey his orders.

Question is, how did he do it?

How did this droopy little man control this mob of lunatics ready to rip the head off of the first cop they saw?

The answer is actually pretty simple:

Many cops are, ounce for ounce, the most dangerous fighters in the world.

I'm dead serious about this, too.

A lot of inner city cops I train see more combat in a month than most "hot-duty" soldiers see in a career. And because of that, they are forced to learn, use and sometimes even invent (on the spot) ways to...

Inflict More Pain And Damage In A Single Second...Than The Average Criminal Feels In His Entire Life!

This is no joke, either.

It's why you sometimes see even small, "wet noodle" cops command total cooperation from gang-bangers, rapists and even psychopathic killers with blood-stained weapons in their hands.

And guess what?

If you would like to know how to put the fear of death and pain into anyone who dares mess with you and your family... and do it without long hours of training and sweating, or having to attend any self defense schools... then I've got great news for you.

Check this out:

For the past 15 years I've trained some of the toughest, "bad ass" law men in the world in close combat and self defense tactics-- like military police, inner city cops, secret service agents and other elite law enforcement agents whose lives are on the line every single day.

And recently, I held a private training with two cops showing them all the "ultra violent" methods I teach law men (as well as some brutal "street smart" stuff some of them have taught me) and recorded it to video.

I call this series: "Law Dog".

And it is specifically designed to let you break, hobble and dispense brutal (even inhumane) damage on men of any size, speed or disposition --

Even If You're A 110 Pound "Bookworm" Who's Never So Much As Thrown A Punch Before!

I'm not screwing around here, either.

These videos contain the EXACT same close combat &self defensetechniques multi-million dollar security firms, mercenary groups and other "military level" law enforcement professionals pay me a FORTUNE (as much as $30k per DAY) to teach them.

Yet, if I hear from you right now, you can have these videos for just a small fraction of what they pay.

I'll tell you more about that in a second.

First, here's just a handful of the advanced fighting secrets on this series:

Little-known, "dirty tricks" that let you practically destroy the skeletal structure in a man's wrists, arms or legs.

  • A simple wrist lock so nightmarishly painful, he'll think you're sawing his hand off.
  • How to slam anyone who "bum rushes" you on the pavement with so much speed and force his spine could very well shatter on impact.
  • How to break another man's arm on the spot in the heat of battle. (Great for when you're not feeling energetic and just want to end a fight -- fast.)
  • What to do if someone has you pinned to the ground, viciously trying to kill you. (This move is so blatantly nasty, I INSIST my police students make sure there are no video cameras around when doing it. That way, the Internal Affairs bureaucrats can't accuse them of "excessive force" and take away their jobs.)
  • A "magic bullet" fighting move that engulfs an attacker's nerve endings with white-hot pain -- yet won't leave a scratch, bruise or mark on his body. (This is how smart cops hide their "handy-work" from limp-wristed socialist judges and lawyers.)
  • How to stretch and "pop" the neck tendons of anyone who tries choking you from behind. (He'll be in such excruciating pain he won't even remember his own name, much less want to attack you.)
  • A simple "pain-inducement" secret used by cops to instantly stop perps jacked up on drugs or steroids. (This is one way small cops who weigh 100 pounds soaking wet control violent criminals. And it's a LOT easier than you think.)
  • How to disrupt the neural pathways to another man's arms and legs -- and literally "short circuit" his ability to move. (You will even hear the two officers I demonstrate this on in Law Dog moaning and gasping in pain. This is some seriously violent fighting "technology" not 1 in 1000 self defense experts knows about.)
  • The scoop-and-toss secret that lets even skinny guys throw "Jabba the Hut" sized goons into walls or through windows.
  • "Fool-proof" weapon disarmament tricks used by big city SWAT cops and anti-gang units.

  • And speaking of weapons...

    I spend much time in Law Dog on firearm disarmament (as well as how to make sure nobody disarms you if you're packing heat). Including...

    The dumb mistake almost all men (even cops) make with their guns... Safest and easiest way to disarm a gangsta punk who threatens to "pop a cap in your ass"... What many firearms "experts" teach that is just plain wrong (and dangerous to you)... When you must NEVER try to shoot a knife attacker... and even...

    How To Snatch A Gun From Someone So Fast It Could Damn Near Rip The Trigger Finger Clean Off His Hand!

    You'll NEVER see this "technique" on TV or in the movies. And yet, it's probably the easiest (and most reliable) way to disarm a weapon ever discovered.

    There's no theory or "fluff" in these videos.

    Instead, you will find the most advanced "street combat" moves ever invented. The exact same moves used every day by the world's most elite cops to tear through armed gang-bangers, rioters and other dangers criminals...

    Without Even Breaking A Sweat!

    However, you cannot dawdle on this.

    Not 1% of the most elite cops on the planet possesses this information. And I usually ONLY allow law enforcement pros to buy it. But I'm making a special exception for you, since you have enrolled in my other Close Combat Training courses.

    Lets start training now by clicking the TAKE THIS COURSE" button up above.

    Updated on 14 November, 2018
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