Course details
The certificate provides participants with an overview of banking with an introduction to the financial and banking sector through an explanation of the roles and services provided by banks; also they will gain knowledge about the code of ethics which affects the banking sector. In the meantime, the certificate will provide participants with some basic skills in sales and customer services. Finally, the participant will learn how to write professional curriculum vitae.
- Explain the development of the banking sector
- List the concept and definitions of the customer service
- List the different bank accounts and types of deposits
- Discuss the legal aspects of commercial paper and the clearing settlements
- List the various operations of retail banking
- Define basic communication skills
- Explain the basics for the analysis of credit and finance
- Explain the concepts of SME Banking and tools of finance
- Explain foreign trade operations
- Demonstrate professional Writing through CV and Interview skills
- Discuss Business Awareness: Written Communication, Etiquette at Workplace, and Presentation Skills
Module 1: Development of the Banking Sector
- The evolution of the Egyptian banking system and types of banks
- The role of the Central Bank of Egypt
- Prototype bank structure
- Main functions
- Support Functions
Module 2: Introduction to Customer Service Concepts and Definitions
- Definition of quality customer service
- Why do organizations care about customer service?
- Statistics on customer service
- The customer service department structure
- Service quality measures
- The attitude and quality of customer service representative
- The positive and negative points when contacting with customers
Module 3: Bank Accounts and Deposits
- The importance of bank deposits
- Types of bank accounts
- Current accounts
- Savings
- Time deposits
- Demand accounts
- Bank transfers
- Correspondent relationships
- Foreign exchange
- Foreign exchange – buying and selling
- Incoming and outgoing transfers
- Bank drafts and traveler’s checks
Module 4: The Legal Aspects of Commercial Paper and Clearing Settlements
- Definition of commercial papers
- Types of commercial papers
- The bill of exchange
- Checks (according to the trade law)
- Promissory notes
- Data necessary for commercial paper
- Methods for trading commercial paper
- Handling
- Endorsement
- Testing non-payment
- Portfolio of commercial paper
- The basic principles for dealing with commercial paper
- Stages of collecting commercial paper
- Credit guaranteed by commercial paper
- Defining the clearinghouse
- Electronic clearing
- Development of the clearinghouse located in the Central Bank of Egypt
Module 5: Retail Banking Operations
- What is retail banking?
- Retail banking products
- Definition of electronic banking operations
- New retail products and services
- Electronic payment methods
- Banking by phone
Module 6: Basic Communication Skills
- The Meaning of Communication
- The communication process
- Communication barriers
- Verbal, vocal and visual elements in face to face communication
- Geri’s Game (movie)
- Courtesy and etiquette
- Listening for Power
- The importance of listening to customers
- Risks and consequences of not listening
- Exercise: Are you a good listener?
- Hearing versus listening
- Effective listening techniques
Module 7: Credit and Financial Analysis
- Role of banks
- Financial statements
- Elements affecting credit
- Overview of loans and credit facilities
- Types of loans and credit facilities
- Types of collateral
- Steps to credit implementation
- Evaluating projects and feasibility studies
Module 9: Foreign Trade Finance Operations
- Definition of terms of payment in foreign trade
- Letters of credit (L/Cs )
- Definition
- Types of letters of credit
- Letters of guarantee (L/Gs)
- Foreign trade instruments
Module 10: Professional Writing through CV and Interview Skills
- Writing a professional CV
- Managing your career through a successful interview
Module 11: Business Awareness: Written Communication, Etiquette at Workplace and Presentation Skills
- Effective business writing
- Business documents (Letters, E-mails, Memos)
- Effective business writing skills
- Preparing yourself for writing
- Editing and revision (The four C’s)
- The art of etiquette in the workplace
- Etiquette in the workplace
- Professional image
- Handling customers and clients
- Presentation skills
- Introduction to presentation skills
- Steps in preparing a presentation
- Do’s and Don’ts in preparing your presentation
Assessment Strategy:
- Participants will be assessed formally through a final test covering all technical areas, and through in-class demonstrations and activities in the nontechnical areas.
Course Location
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