Web Development Using PHP Diploma INFORM
Price: EGP 3,500
  • Other Location: Heliopolis - Cairo
  • Duration: 100 Hours
  • Timings: Part Time, Weekday evening classes

    Course details

    Web Development Using PHP
    This hands-on PHP programming course gives the information important to plan and create dynamic, database-driven site pages utilizing PHP adaptation. PHP is a dialect composed of the web, brisk to learn, simple to convey and gives generous usefulness required to internet business. This course presents the PHP structure and covers top to bottom the most vital strategies used to assemble dynamic sites. In this course, you will be able to figure out how to associate with any ODBC-agreeable database and perform hands-on practice with a MySQL database to make database-driven HTML structures and reports.  And you will additionally figure out how to design PHP and the Apache Web Server. Exhaustive hands on activities are coordinated all through to strengthen learning and grow genuine competency.
    Who is this course for?
    Beginner to advanced level users can benefit from the training we provide
    People who have an interest in learning about programming and PHP
    Introduction to HTML
    HTML Tags
    Creating Forms
    Creating tables
    Managing home page
    Introduction to CSS
    Three ways to use CSS
    CSS Properties
    Designing website
    Working with Templates
    Java Script
    Introduction to Javascript
    Three ways to use Javascript
    Working with events
    Client-side Validation
    Introduction to PHP
    Evaluation of Php
    Basic Syntax
    Defining variable and constant
    Php Data type
    Operator and Expression
    Handling Html Form With Php
    Capturing Form Data
    Dealing with Multi-value filed
    Generating File uploaded form
    Redirecting a form after submission
    Decisions and loop
    Making Decisions
    Doing Repetitive task with looping
    Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
    What is a function
    Define a function
    Call by value and Call by reference
    Recursive function
    Creating and accessing String
    Searching & Replacing String
    Formatting String
    String Related Library function
    Anatomy of an Array
    Creating index based and Associative array
    Accessing array Element
    Looping with Index based array
    Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
    Some useful Library function
    Working with file and Directories
    Understanding file& directory
    Opening and closing a file
    Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
    Working with directories
    Building a text editor
    File Uploading & Downloading
    Mini Project (With file Handling)
    State management
    Using query string(URL rewriting)
    Using Hidden field
    Using cookies
    Using session
    String matching with regular expression
    What is regular expression
    Pattern matching in Php
    Replacing text
    Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
    Generating Images with PHP
    Basics of computer Graphics
    Creating Image
    Manipulating Image
    Using text in Image
    Database Connectivity with MySql
    Introduction to RDBMS
    Connection with MySql Database
    Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
    Setting query parameter
    Executing query
    Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
    Mini Project
    Introduction to AJAX
    PHP with AJAX
    Working with database
    Introduction to JQuery
    Validation using JQuery
    JQuery Forms
    JQuery Examples
     Advanced PHP
    Introduction to OOPS
    Declaring a class
    The new keyword and constructor
    Access method and properties using $this variable
    Public ,private, protected properties and methods
    Static properties and method
    Class constant
    Inheritance & code reusability
    Parent:: & self:: keyword
    Instanceof operator
    Abstract method and class
    Exception Handling
    Understanding Exception and error
    Try, catch, throw Updated on 15 January, 2024

    About INFORM

    INFORM provise Training Services, Software Solutions & Consultations, and Outsourcing Services
    We are one of the world’s leading providers of training, information and knowledge on standards, management systems, business improvement and the achievement of regulatory approval for products. 
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