Course details

Course Outline:
  • Supporting operating systems
  • Installing and configuring pc components
  • Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting display and multimedia devices
  • Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting storage devices
  • Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting internal system components
  • Installing, configuring, and maintaining operating systems
  • Maintaining and troubleshooting microsoft windows
  • Network infrastructure concepts
  • Configuring and troubleshooting networks
  • Managing users,
  • + Read More

Eligibility / Requirements

Students taking this course should have the following skills: end-user skills with Windows-based personal computers, including the ability to: browse and search for information on the Internet; start up, shut down, and log on to a computer and network; run programs; and move, copy, delete, and rename files in Windows Explorer. Students should also have basic knowledge of computing concepts, including the difference between hardware and software; the functions of software components, such as the operating system, applications, and file systems; and the function of a computer network.

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Since 1995, CLS Learning solutions is leading the technology learning market in Egypt, the Middle East, and Africa. With our wide network of international partners, trainers, instructors, and technology leaders; we are able to deliver top notch training programs to our students and technology professionals.

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