Efficient Administration Skills for Administrators Global Development for Training
Price: USD 2,500
  • Duration: 4 Days

Course details

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
  • Employ a proactive role in handling job responsibilities within a team environment
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the modern administrator’s highly needed abilities
  • Develop interpersonal and communication skills in order to carry out administrative functions with confidence and efficiency
  • Apply professional business writing techniques in writing e-mails
  • Handle telephone calls properly and professionally
  • Develop self-management and deal with time wasters
  • Practice memory enhancement techniques with several reinforcement methods and exercises
  • The Administrator as part of the support team
  • Understanding your role within your team
  • Building an excellent professional image
  • Strategies for an outstanding team player
  • Understanding your team player style
  • Having the right attitude to excel
  • The modern administrator’s highly needed abilities
  • Building information expertise
  • Seeing through obstacles and building on talents and strengths
  • Maturity and political skills
  • Adaptability to a changing office environment
  • Gaining credibility
  • Taking the initiative
  • Verbal communication
  • Why we misunderstand other people
  • Choosing the right communication medium
  • Building excellent relations with your manager and colleagues
  • Overcoming communication barriers
  • Communicating with assertiveness and self-confidence
  • Understanding cultural differences
  • Strategies for greater visibility and influence
  • Effective written communication
  • Ingredients of a professionally written document
  • Key techniques for effective e-mails
  • Dos and don’ts of business writing
  • Email writing principles and etiquette
  • Building rapport and writing with credibility
  • Telephone handling best practices
  • Professional telephone behavior
  • Key competencies for success
  • The can-do service driven approach
  • Handling difficult callers
  • Effective time planning
  • Identifying and controlling your time wasters
  • Setting your priorities and working standards
  • Maximizing your efficiency
  • Planning and organizing a productive work day
  • Memory reinforcement techniques
  • Your memory as a business tool
  • Why we forget
  • Daily memory practice and training
  • Techniques to increase concentration
  • Remembering 'by association' and linking
  • Using acronyms and the method of loci
  • Strategies to remembering names
Updated on 03 June, 2019

About Global Development for Training


Training has become of great importance to managers of various organizations and institutions where training is an effective way to increase employee's efficiency at all stages of his work. It develops his abilities, skills and provides him with new information which is an influential factor in the process of upgrading the employee and increases his authorities and responsibilities.

The last two decades have witnessed a major transformation in the training knowledge. It has become Knowledge-based science; it is the only way to progress and development.

The need of Knowledge-based science is now a scale of new wealth. It requires a distinct type of education and lifelong training in acquiring knowledge and updating on an ongoing basis. This was an important reason that led to establishment of Global Development for Training (G.D.T).


Global Development for Training was established in 2012 in UAE - Permit No. 91,288 in Dubai to provide training and consulting services and staff development with the latest training methods in the world and in line with the global market to meet all the strategic requirements of the global markets in an environment based on modern knowledge, through the best human development trainers in the Arab world and the rest of the world, to reach the highest level of quality, creativity and developing clients and participants.


To be one of the best training centers in the world which train and qualify the leaders and staff of the Arab World with the latest training methods in the world.


We seek to provide strong training base to provide training and consulting services that meet all the strategic requirements for global markets in an environment built on knowledge, and through professionals Instructors in the world. Therefore, we put our goals in order to reach the highest levels of quality and creativity.

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