Effective Presentation Skills Solid State Training Solutions
Price: USD 1,388
  • Duration: 3 Day
  • Timings: Classroom, Flexible

    Course details

    • Learn how to perform needs analysis and prepare presentation outlines and flow. 
    • Master simple techniques for creating powerful openings and closings. 
    • Identify how to select the best delivery technique to get buy-in from your audience.
    • Use Emotional Intelligence to enhance presentations and public speaking. 
    • Learn the vocabulary, tone and body language to keep your audience engaged. 
    • Master techniques for relaying information in a comprehensive and structured way. 
    • Use humor, questions and discussion to connect and involve the audience. 
    • Learn to overcome common nervousness and public speaking jitters with ease. 
    • Understand visual appeal and how best to use text, photos and videos. 
    • Identify how to prepare for questions before you know what those questions will be.
    Updated on 04 July, 2019

    About Solid State Training Solutions

    Our story began with a belief in continuous improvement, and a strong desire to again and sustain, and that emerges with "Empowering partners for a better tomorrow" our Slogan.
    At Solid State Training Solutions, we help our clients align their training needs with the business goals and objectives, as well as the company's values and cluture. We tailor our training programs to match your organization's needs, either by adapting an existing program or, developing a new one. and to assist you with one or more steps in the development processes such as consulting, training needs, training assessment, and implementation & evaluation.
    Our training programs aim at providing the proper guidance for the employees, on how to optimize the resources of the employer for better results at their regular working environment.
    Our Team
    Solid State Training Solutions houses a team of highly motivated, energetic and talented trainers, commited to helping organizations achieve outstanding levels of performance. Our team is dedicated to partnering with our clients and strategic business partners, in order to provide the best resources to help our clients achieve their business goals.

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