Effective Delegation and Performance Management Workshop November Law Society Skillnet
Price: EUR 150

    Course details

    The Workshop will proceed from looking at attitudes to delegation and at common blocks and impediments to entrusting work to colleagues to examine how to identify opportunities, and put in place systems, for effective delegation within your legal practice, and at how to implement task allocation in a way that enhances the performance of everyone in the team.


    To equip practitioners with the skills and confidence to delegate effectively.

    Who should attend:

    • practitioners striving to balance existing client work with new business development;
    • practitioners who find allocating files or tasks too time consuming;
    • lawyers looking to make space for a better work life balance;
    • principals of small Firms;
    • unit heads and team leaders within medium and large-sized Firms;
    • training solicitors;
    • practice managers;
    • experienced delegators looking to replicate and systematise a proven approach throughout their Firms;

    What does the workshop cover:

    The Workshop will proceed from looking at attitudes to delegation and at common blocks and impediments to entrusting work to colleagues to examine how to identify opportunities, and put in place systems, for effective delegation within your legal practice, and at how to implement task allocation in a way that enhances the performance of everyone in the team. How to balance delegation with ongoing supervision and with Client accountability is an important part of the Workshop.

    Another key part will emphasise “follow-through” - avoiding the short-term temptation to reclaim the file and, instead, responding constructively to the initial efforts of the delegate in a way that fosters a real and lasting confidence and competence among junior and support staff across the Firm. The Workshop will emphasise how delegation can broaden and extend the Firm’s points of contact with Clients, building deeper and lasting Client relationships; and it will stress how delegation can enhance Client value for money – ensuring work is always done at the appropriate level within the Firm.

    This management skills workshop can be applied to all staff levels and across both professional and support staff. It is an excellent introduction to management skills training for anyone who wishes to learn effective delegation and manage underperformance.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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    The We_They exercises statutory functions under the Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2013 in relation to the education, admission, enrolment, discipline and regulation of the solicitors' profession. It is the professional body for its solicitor members, to whom it also provides services and support.

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