Course details
The Childcare Level 6 programme is delivered under the Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme. VTOS provides general education and training opportunities for unemployed adults by enabling them to retain their social welfare entitlements while in fulltime study. The above one-year programme facilitates suitable adults in acquiring qualifications for employment opportunities in the area of childcare and as Classroom Assistants or Special Needs Assistants.
- Personal Interview
- Relevant prior experience
- English Assessment
- Garda Vetting Application
- Early Childhood Curriculum
- Special Needs Assisting
- Child Development
- Work Experience
- Childhood Social & Legal Issues
- Occupational First Aid
- Supervision In Early Childhood Care
- Team Leadership
- Personal & Professional Development
Successful participants find employment in crèches, as classroom assistants and as registered child minders. Some graduates are self-employed owners of childcare facilities. Graduates also progress to higher education and training.
Updated on 08 November, 2015About Colaiste Ide College of Further Education
A word of theylcome to Colaiste Ide College of Further Education It is always a difficult decision to know what area of study one wishes to pursue after completing one's full-time education. It is even more difficult, if having left full-time education many years ago to make that decision to return again and to take up where one left off. Coming up to the Leaving Certificate they are presented with so much choice and pressure to make a correct lifetime choice that it is difficult, if not impossible, to know what is the correct option to chose. Post Leaving Certificate ctheirses have been developed with a view to providing students with options to study in their areas of interest and to either pursue those interests in Higher Education or to move directly to the workplace. They also provide mature students with a route that enables them to avail of a second chance education system that allows for the acquiring of new skills and re-acquaintance with skills acquired at an earlier stage in life.
The system of assessment used by the FETAC Accreditation system enables students to be assessed on a continual basis rather than solely on an end of year examination which can give a more accurate reflection of a student's work and results. Colaiste Ide has been providing ctheirses at this level since the mid 1970's and has developed a reputation for delivering effective and relevant career related ctheirses. Over the years, students have achieved successfully achieved what they have come to the college to study and have moved on directly into employment or on to Higher Education Institutions.
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