Early Child hood Care & Edu ca tion with Spe cial Needs Drogheda Institute of Further Education
Price: TBA

    Course details

    This is a course designed to pro­vide stu­dents with the knowl­edge, prac­ti­cal skills and qual­i­fi­ca­tions required to pur­sue a career car­ing for chil­dren, par­tic­u­larly chil­dren with addi­tional needs. The course is suit­able for both school leavers and expe­ri­enced or mature stu­dents seek­ing a for­mal qualification.

    Course Con­tent

    • Child Devel­op­ment
    • Early Child­hood Edu­ca­tion & Play
    • Child Health & Wellbeing
    • Early Care and Edu­ca­tion Practice
    • Cre­ative Arts for Early Childhood
    • Spe­cial Needs Assisting
    • Chil­dren with Addi­tional Needs
    • Under­stand­ing Spe­cial Needs
    • Man­ual Handling
    • Occu­pa­tional First Aid
    • Com­mu­ni­ca­tions
    • Work Prepa­ra­tion and Experience

    Entry Require­ments:

    Appli­ca­tions are invited from those who have com­pleted Leav­ing Cer­tifi­cate or equiv­a­lent. Appli­ca­tions are also wel­come from mature stu­dents and recent school leavers. All appli­cants will be inter­viewed and must apply for garda clear­ance at interview.

    Pro­gres­sion and Career Options:

    Suc­cess­ful grad­u­ates can opt to go directly into the world of work in schools, crèches and res­i­den­tial set­tings as Spe­cial Needs Assis­tants. The qual­i­fi­ca­tion also allows grad­u­ates to work in non-special needs set­tings as Early Child­hood Care &Edu­ca­tion Prac­ti­tion­ers. Grad­u­ates may opt to con­tinue to QQIlevel 6 within DIFE or progress to Degree courses within Insti­tutes of Tech­nol­ogy Nationwide.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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