Course details
The DBA programme focuses on the application of theoretical knowledge to the advancement of management and business practice, and is designed to develop the analytical, conceptual, and critical thinking skills of senior business and management professionals.
This is a distinctive, research-issue driven programme that is orientated towards senior executives in managerial roles, and combines workplace and professional engagement with the scholarly rigour of the academic institution. This qualification is increasingly recognised by international business and management schools as the most appropriate post-MBA (or equivalent Master degree) route to combining academic research on management and business with further personal and professional development.
The part time programme is innovative in its structure, combining three significant milestones on the doctoral process; advanced research skills workshops, cumulative paper series and the completion of the DBA thesis, all of which centres around addressing an organisational issue of interest. The programme is designed to facilitate senior manager access, with a 2-3 day block on campus each semester. The WIT DBA utilises a blended learning approach, combining the latest technologies for remote access and communications.
Programme Goals
The programme allows participants’ to understand prevailing practices in the subject area of their field of research; to acquire the necessary understanding and expertise in appropriate research design, data- collection methods and data-analysis techniques; to conduct, write-up and disseminate high-quality research of doctoral standard; and to achieve a greater level of effectiveness in managing business innovation and change.
We aim to develop the participant’s ability to undertake independent research at an advanced level and make a significant contribution to knowledge and professional practice through the evaluation of business management structures, contexts and processes.
Through the application of research to business problems and issues, the programme focuses on the skills required to contribute to the enrichment of trans-disciplinary professional practice in management, and to lead organisations facing a complex global business environment.
This three-stage programme concentrates on the enhancement of professional practice by:
- Focusing on professional development
- Enhancing enterprise leadership & development skills
- Assimilating knowledge
- Honing analytical, conceptual & critical thinking skills
- Developing advanced research skills
Following completion of a series of workshops in Stage 1, participants will submit a research proposal, to be presented at a doctoral colloquium. Students will then research and write up a series of research papers in Stage 2, guided by an academic mentor and a WIT working paper series, before submitting and defending their thesis in Stage 3 of the programme.
This programme is intended to meet the strong demand for professionals who have completed a high level of training in management and business-related areas, and who possess highly developed skills in undertaking research. Applicants should also display a competence in solving problems analytically and in separating opportunities and challenges in terms of cause and effect.
Specifically, we look for:
- MBA (or equivalent Master degree)
- Five years management experience, ideally at senior level
- Satisfactory performance at the admission interview
- Applicants whose first language is not English must submit evidence of competency in English.
Course Location
About Waterford Institute of Technology
We_They is a university-level institution in the South-East of Ireland with over 10,000 students and 1,000 staff.
We_They offers tuition and research programmes in various areas from Higher Certificate to Degree to PhD.
Range and scope
We_They is the major provider of higher education in the South East region of Ireland and one of the largest IOT's in Ireland. The Institute's range and scope reflect the changing needs of the southeast as well as the country as a whole. The range of academic programmes is exceptionally extensive, ranging from Higher Certificate right through to post-doctoral research and covering the Humanities, Health and Nursing, Science and Informatics, Engineering and Architecture, Business and Education.
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