Course details

Disintegration Effect

Welcome to my disintegration techniques tutorial. I have packed quite a few different techniques into this tutorial that will help intermediate and even some basic users of Photoshop to create this really cool effect. I have used the disintegration technique in tons of different projects from film posters to ads for cars and food. It's just a fun way to give your client something extra to look at with a little bit of that wow factor. 

In this class we'll take a look at the following:

  1. How to quickly create an alpha channel.
  2. Using the liquify brush to creat a background for our particles.
  3. The best place to find free brushes.
  4. How to modify particle brushes to get a real effect.
  5. Quick retouching techniques with Adjustment Layers.
  6. How to overlay pictures to make them look more realistic.
  7. Retouching eyes quickly to connect.

So if you're ready to get started, I have tried to price this course so that everyone has the opportunity to join in. Adding this sort of effect to your Photoshop arsenal of talents will very quickly put you in at another level. 


Jason Buff - Instructor

Updated on 19 February, 2018
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