Disconnect/Reconnect Restricted Electrical Workers Licence Class 2 (Control Devices) Boxhill Insitute
Price: AED 2,417
  • Duration: TBA

Course details

This course will give the participants the skills and knowledge required in Electrical Safety and basic electrical principles to enable them to apply to Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) for their RESTRICTED ELECTRICAL WORKERS LICENCE which will allow them to safely disconnect and reconnect low voltage electrical equipment following prescribed procedures.


Must be employed in a primary work function where there is a need to disconnect/reconnect electrical equipment that is incidental to their primary function

Course Content

Completion of National Unit of Competency UEENEEE101A-Apply occupational health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplaceCompletion of National Unit of Competency, then UEENEEP013A-Disconnect-reconnect control devices connected to low voltage installation wiring.

Assessment covers Control Devices only.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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