Course details
Course Aims and Opportunities
- This course is aimed at all professionals who need to enhance their knowledge and understanding of disability and working with people with disabilities.
- The module will also provide a solid foundation for further studies in health, education, management or social studies.
- Successful candidates can go on to study other business modules and progress to a major award and/or higher level qualifications in business or management.
Course Outline
What is a disability
- Develop awareness of the various definitions of disability as embodied in Irish legislation, World Health Organisation and the United Nations.
- Understand the various classifications of disability and the theoretical models used when studying disability, e.g., the medical model, social model, International Classification of Functioning and Disability.
- Analyse one’s own perception of disability.
Living with Disability
- Recognise types of disability, physical, learning, specific learning difficulties, mental illness, sensorial disability, conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy.
- Explain the impact of these disabilities and outline strategies to minimise barriers that they may cause for people.
- Outline the resources available in the community for people with disability.
- Evaluate the rehabilitation and support strategies that are available to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.
Legislation, Policy and Practice
- Requirements of employers, educational institutions, public service providers in accommodating people with disabilities.
- National Disability Authority, Equality Authority, Citizens Information Board, Government Departments and the National Disability Strategy 2005.
- Accommodating Disability in Education, Training, and the Workplace
- Approaches to accommodating people with disability in the education system.
- Vocational and rehabilitative training such as person centred, individual action plans, modular learning, community, home and employer based training, apprenticeships.
- Employment options and grant schemes.
- Assistive technology in education, training and employment.
- Learner Record (50%): Reflective journal on integration of classroom learning into daily work to support the needs of people with disabilities.
- Project (50%): Assignment which demonstrates understanding of disability issues, living with a disability, legislation, and accommodating disability in education, training and the workplace.
Course Location
- Professional Diploma in DIY Alpha AcademyEUR 24
EUR 267Duration: Upto 2 Days - Jobs Hunting Tips for Graduates Study 365EUR 29Duration: 30 Hours