Diploma In Workplace Dispute Resolution Independent College Dublin
Price: EUR 895

    Course details

    Conflict in the workplace has a significant impact on organisational performance. Best practices emphasise the importance of early and informal resolution of workplace disputes. This short term diploma will provide Human Resources Professionals and Managers with a comprehensive theoretical understanding and application of alternative dispute resolution in the workplace. Students will also learn key skills and techniques of mediation and apply these to effectively arranging and running a formal mediation process for parties in a dispute.

    Meet The Lecturer

    Mary is an accredited Practitioner Mediator and Certified Conflict Coach in private practice since 2006. She has extensive experience in the field of workplace mediation and has trained and coached in conflict-related areas in a wide range of organisations and workplaces. Mary also holds certification with the International Mediation Institute and lectures on the Workplace Mediation Module, M.A. in Dispute Resolution at Independent Colleges, Dublin. Mary is certified in the CINERGY™ Conflict Management Coaching Model and a member of the international team of Approved CINERGY™ trainers. Mary is a Director of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland. As Chairperson of the M.I.I. Conference Committee she has played a leading role in organising the annual M.I.I. national mediation conferences since 2008. Mary is also a member of the M.I.I. Ethics and Standards Committee and a member of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, Ireland. Mary holds an Honours Degree in Education, a Masters Degree with Distinction in Social Science and has attended a wide variety of specialised trainings in the field of conflict resolution.

    Course Outline


    Definitions and dynamics of conflict • The escalating conflict cycle • Approaches to dealing with conflict • Interest-based conflict resolution • Sources and types of conflict in the workplace • Impact, cost and consequences of workplace conflict • Conflict as a positive force


    Definition and key principles of mediation • Models of workplace mediation • Types of workplace disputes appropriate for mediation • Process and stages of mediation • Engaging and preparing parties for mediation • Skills and techniques of a workplace mediator • Building mediation into workplace procedures


    Statutory dispute resolution institutions, facilities, roles and functions • Reforms and upcoming Workplace Relations Commission Bill • Organisational conflict management and internal ADR practices • Systemic approaches – Integrated Conflict Management Systems • Developing ADR – the Equality Tribunal Equality Mediation Service


    Definitions of bullying, harassment & sexual harassment • Stereotypes, prejudice and racism • Types and nature of bullying behaviour in the • Role of organisational and social environment in bullying and harassment • Conflict escalation approaches and contingency approach to conflict interventions • Importance of addressing the antecedents to workplace bullying • Managing bullying and harassment and intercultural conflict


    What is emotion, the role of emotion in conflict and disagreement • Psychological, neurological, physiological underpinnings of emotion • Emotional flooding & emotional contagion • Techniques for dealing with and processing emotions • Mediation and emotion – possible interventions that effectively manage emotion • Fostering positive emotional states


    The programme will be assessed based on attendance, participation and successful completion of a written course assignment. Note on Assessments: Assignments and projects must be submitted by the specified deadline. Entry Requirements

    There are no specific entry requirements for this course.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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