Course details

This engaging course provides a practical and relevant introduction to the field of Social Care. Learning is achieved via two modules: Lifespan Psychology and Social Care Services. The Lifespan Psychology Module is designed to enable the learner to give a body of theoretical knowledge in psychology and human development from birth to old age in a social care context. The Social Care Services Module introduces students to the primary areas of care work and to the key policies, principles and approaches that underpin professional practice in the social care sector.

This course will appeal to those seeking to work in a social care setting or those already in employment and seeking a route to formal qualification. It also acts as an ideal introduction to those wishing to pursue further study in the fields of social care, psychology and human development.

Course Outline

Introduction to Psychology

History & development of psychology as a discipline. The role of the psychologist. APA pisions of psychology, Key concepts of psychology, Theoretical concepts in psychology.

Cognitive Development

Theories of learning and information processing, Language development and communication skills. Intelligence development and assessment. Learning across the lifespan.

Social Moral and Emotional Development

Emotional expression and development . Attachment theory. Social Development . Sex differences and sex role development . Morality and Moral reasoning. Social skills development. Play and play therapy.

Personality & the Development of Self

Temperamental theories. Becoming an individual. Personality theories of Rogers, Freud and Erickson . Personality across the Lifespan across the lifespan. Old age and the development of the lifespan.

Applications to Care Practice.

Applying theory to social care practice. Developmental milestones throughout lifespan . Meeting needs different developmental stages.: infancy, childhood , adolescence , adulthood and the elderly.

Social Care Services Module

Historical Context

Development of the social care services in Ireland. Key policy developments. H.S.E., H.I.Q.A., Public/Private initiatives.

Child Care

An introduction to the Residential Child Care Services. including specialised care units, fostering, adoption and child abuse, notification procedures, Principle of case work , Early intervention and family support services, Children’s First guidelines, National standards, Professional roles, (Child Care Leader, Social Worker, Psychologist)

Disability Services

Residential & Community services for persons with intellectual, physical disabilities and sensory difficulties. The Medical and Social Model. Respite Care . Community integration initiatives.

Elder Care

Residential and Community Care. Care for adults with Dementia. Elder abuse and the role of the PHN

Other Social Care Services

Homeless shelters, Domestic abuse refuges, Services for the traveller community and asylum seekers, addiction services. Alternative Education and training services, Education Welfare.

Entry Requirements

On completion of the programmes students will be in receipt of an ICM (Institute of Commercial Management) Diploma. You can find information on ICM at this course operates an open admissions policy. As such there are no formal entry requirements.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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