Course details

The accredited Diploma in safety engineering course providers is known to provide courses which fit specifically candidate requirements and needs. In the official site's 'Where to study' section, one can get to know about the 400 course authorized providers and their relevant details.

Can the candidate self study, when undergoing diploma qualification without making use of course provider services?

  • It is not possible as countersigned evidence would be needed from the authorized Diploma in safety engineering course provider. They need to certify that the candidate has met the required competencies exclusively for those diploma based qualifications.

What is the mode of study available?

Training providers are present in hundreds offering Diploma in safety engineering courses to interested students. Such training providers are known to provide courses in different formats so as to fit the candidate's requirements. The following are the different modes of training offered:

  • Modular courses or block release
  • Evening or day courses for several weeks
  • Blended or distance learning program

One can search Diploma in safety engineering course format present in the 'where to study' page. Moreover, few training providers do run numerous courses 'in company', which can prove to be an inexpensive option, if the organization is having a good number of employees, who would need qualification in Nebosh and Diploma in safety engineering.

Is it possible to have international or national diploma enrolment from an accredited course provider to the other?

The candidate is required to obtain from the new accredited Diploma in safety engineering course provider written confirmation, for transferring his/her enrolment to another ACP. This is to be forwarded to Nebosh, along with covering letter to confirm desire to have ACP transferred. The confirmation is to include the following like student number, student's full name, new ACP and current one. The person can have the confirmation to be submitted by email and to include along the new course provider's email. Also, it is necessary to have received transfer requests much before final enrolment date for relevant assignment submission / exam sitting.

Updated on 27 December, 2017

About Redhat Safety Training & Consulting Pvt ltd

Redhat Safety not only helps you get a job but also helps you do the complete requisite documentation. Redhat Safety has painstakingly uploaded all the documentary formats, for eg, HSE Plan, Risk Assessment, Permit System etc. in its website. You just got to log in the website and download them. Inspite of this, any student getting stuck, we prepare the documents and send them back within 48 hours. Redhat Safety is like a mentor for the candidate till he retires.

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