Spring College International Diploma in Logistics & Operations Management Spring College International
Price: AED 20,809

    Course details

    This course aims to equip students with the skills to apply scientifically-based techniques to work-related problems, business forecasting, quantitative and heuristic problem-solving, logistics, quality management, and to develop decision support, scheduling and control systems. This course is ideal for students who wish to learn more about logistics and operation management. Graduates of the Diploma in Logistic and Operation Management course can proceed to the Advanced Diploma in Logistic and Operation Management course.
     Course Duration: Full-time course consists of 9 modules. All modules will be completed within 9 months.
    Lesson Time: 15 hours every week. There will be no classes conducted during public holidays and school holidays.
    Course Modules: The 9 modules are:-
    1. DIBM 102 Business Statistics, 2. DIBM 103 International Economics, 3. DIBM 104 Organizational Behaviour & Culture, 4. DIBM 105 Principles of Accounting , 5. DIBM 106 Principles of Information Systems, 6. DIBM 107 Principles of Management, 7. DILOM 101 Legal Issues in Transportation and Logistics, 8. DILOM 102 Purchasing and Procurement Management, 9. DILOM 103 Warehouse and Inventory Management
    10. DIBM 101 Business Law & Ethics, 11. DIBM 108 Principal of Marketing
    Course Intake: January, April, July, and October of the year
      Updated on 11 March, 2019

    Eligibility / Requirements

    Age : 16 years old & above
    Academic level: At least 10 years of formal education or equivalent or pass the placement test of SCI or One year and above relevant working experience
    Language Proficiency:  English Language with IELTS & above or GCE ‘O’ Level graded C6 or better or pass SCI language proficiency test or equivalent.

    About Spring College International

    Spring College International was established in 2001 and is registered with Singapore’s Committee for Private Education (CPE) 

    We offer the following courses:-

    • Full-time English and Mandarin Chinese language courses
    • Preparatory courses for admission to Singapore government primary and secondary schools (AEIS examination), ‘O’ and ‘A’ level, SAT, IELTS and TOEFL
    • Study Trip Plus (English or Mandarin Chinese & Golf, Art, Music, Dance)
    • Part-time courses (English, Mandarin Chinese and other foreign languages)
    • English camp for groups
    • Diploma/Advanced Diploma Course
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