Diploma in Irish St. Angela's College Sligo
Price: EUR 990

    Course details

    This course aims to provide the student with a high level of communication and written skills in Irish, enabling them to effectively conduct their professional business in the language.

    Objectives of the course

    • To provide the student with a level of proficiency that will enable him/her to communicate effectively in Irish.
    • To develop the student’s understanding of the correct usage of Irish.
    • To give the student an insight into Gaelic culture and learning.
    • To foster a positive attitude towards Irish among the students that will increase their use of Irish in their everyday communication.

    Course participants will sit an oral and written examination at the end of each year. They will also be required to compile a portfolio based on work completed inside and outside the classroom.

    Continuous Assessments

    Students will be required to complete written assessments during each year of the course.

    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    Course Location

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