Diploma in Hypnotherapy Irish Hypnosis Academy
Price: EUR 1,900

    Course details

    The curriculum is relentlessly practical. You’ll watch, practice and take part (optional) in live demonstrations of hypnotherapy every day. You will learn how to hypnotise yourself and other by practicing each technique being taught. You will get individual attention and personal support and assistance from Susan Wallace so that you can develop your own flair and style.

    Course Curriculum

    Mechanics of Hypnotic Inductions

    Become skilled in the most highly effective hypnotherapy inductions and learn a system that you can use with every client regardless of the presenting problem.

    You will —

    • Learn how to use classic inductions, guided mindful meditation inductions, permissive inductions, relaxation inductions, rapid medical inductions, instant somnambulism and our unique ‘failure free’ method of delivery.
    • Understand how our clients turn hypnotherapy suggestions into mental, physical and emotional responses and how to easily use these responses as hypnotic convincers.
    • Know how to use the three principle styles of hypnotherapy – Direct, Permissive and Ericksonian hypnotherapy
    • Develop a structured, easy to master approach.

    Case Design, History Taking and Script Writing

    Learning how to ask questions ‘the right way’ is a magical experience that builds rapport between you and your client. It helps boosts your confidence when you know you’ve got the information you need to deliver the best therapy. Asking the right questions also helps your client become motivated and focused on achieving a successful outcome. This in turn helps them to become committed to the process of change.

    Here is a list of the questionnaires and forms you will have to help you design and develop hypnotherapy for your clients. You will be shown how to use each one and how they help make it easy for you to deliver fantastic therapy to each new client.

    • De Shazer’s Miracle Question
    • Source and Outcome Frame
    • Goal Setting and Agenda Setting
    • Coping Questions to Increase Resilience
    • Weight Loss Questionnaire
    • Nicotine Cessation Questionnaire
    • Medical Hypnotherapy Questionnaire
    • Subject Units of Distress (SUDS)
    • Froggatt’s Cognitive Restructuring
    • Albert Ellis’s ABC
    • Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model
    • Dealing with Lapse and Lapse Prevention
    • Designing a Treatment Plan

    Three Master Key Hypnotherapy Interventions

    Hypnotherapy is a lot more than just giving positive suggestions to your clients. Great hypnotherapy provides a catalyst for change. Our students love learning these three Master Key Interventions. They help erase deeply entrenched beliefs and attitudes that might otherwise stop your clients from getting the best from their hypnotherapy experience.

    Hypnotherapy Master Class and Finding your Personal Power

    Your future clients need to know that they were hypnotised by you! Therefore we show you how to add colour, depth and richness to the hypnotherapy experience so that your clients speak highly of you and your transformational therapy.

    You will learn how to deliver a professional hypnotherapy service for anxiety and stress management, phobias, weight loss and healthy eating, nicotine addiction, allergies, IBS and pain management.

    Plus you will gain the confidence you need to know how to approach any other challenge you might face as a professional hypnotherapist.

    Right now, you might doubt your ability to be able to develop a case history, deliver a full session of hypnotherapy, test the results and get client feedback but by the end of this first week of training, you will have done it at least twice on a fellow student.

    Nothing feels as good as leaving this the first Advanced Foundation Course with your Certificate in Therapeutic Hypnotherapy, a marketing plan to get clients and a feeling of confidence and competence that you are equipped to meet whatever challenges might come your way.

    Phobias, Stress and Anxiety Management

    On this module we will examine the causes of phobias, stress and anxiety disorders and how hypnotherapy can help your clients break free of the survival response of fight, flight or freeze when faced with thoughts, feelings or events that trigger an anxiety response.

    You will learn the step-by-step proven way to help your clients to manage anxiety, overcome self-sabotage and control internal dialogue. You will also learn how to help your clients access a state of calmness whenever they feel anxious.

    Being able to show your clients how to successfully manage anxiety has a profound effect on their confidence and their belief in you and the therapeutic process. It will boost your confidence to know you can quickly and easily provide instant relief to anyone who is stressed out, having a panic or anxiety attack or suffering from a phobia.

    Having this skill is priceless and it will also ensure that your clients are encouraged to complete the course of hypnotherapy you have recommended.

    Some of the techniques and interventions you will learn include:

    • Dissociation and Association
    • Breathing Retraining
    • Classic Desensitisation
    • The Telescope Technique
    • Mindfulness Techniques and Relapse Prevention

    Willpower and Relapse Prevention

    Most people confess to not having enough willpower when it comes to tackling their problems. To help you get long-term success with clients it is important you know exactly how to help someone manage their willpower challenges and what to do if they slip-up and feel like a failure. An added bonus is that you will also learn how to help your clients manage cravings even cravings for sugar and nicotine successfully.

    You will enjoy learning through experimentation and personal understanding how to –

    • Boost your willpower reserves
    • Appreciate abundance of willpower
    • End self sabotage and “I’m a failure” mentality
    • Reduce cravings so they no longer sabotage you
    • Learn how to ‘surf the urge’ to effectively undermine addictions and cravings.

    You will get lots of tasty free sweets, chocolates and savoury snacks so you can learn first hand how willpower works and how willpower fails and what you can do as a professional hypnotherapist to become a willpower master.

    Neuro Linguistic Hypnotherapy

    Did you know that the therapy that is known as Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was named NLP because hypnotherapy was illegal in some States of America at the time it was developed?

    On this module you will learn the most effective techniques from Neuro Linguistic Programming and how easy it is to incorporate them within the hypnotherapy framework.

    This will give you a wealth of techniques that you can use both inside and outside of hypnotherapy. For example, you will learn:

    • NLP Presuppositions – Empowering Beliefs for Clients and Therapists
    • Four pillars of NLP
    • SCORE model for History Taking
    • Generalisations, Deletions and Distortions
    • “There is no such thing as failure, only feedback”
    • Association and Dissociation
    • Circle of Excellence
    • Six Step Reframe Technique
    • Fast Phobia Cure
    • Swish Pattern Technique
    • Limiting Belief Liberator
    • NLP Pain Reframe
    • Prospective Imagination – mental rehearsal
    • How to use Triggers in Post Hypnotic Suggestions
    • Step-by-step method to collapse old Anchors and set new Anchors.

    Inner Child Therapy

    Inner Child Therapy will provide you with a very gentle but highly effective way to explore your clients past without having to resort to Regression Hypnotherapy. You will learn how to use the metaphor of the Inner Child to help your clients to forgive, forget and let-go of past hurt and pain, so that they can begin a process of healing and learn how to move on.

    Regression Hypnotherapy

    Many novice hypnotherapists are both intrigued and terrified of regression hypnotherapy. Yet, when you learn how to harness the power of the past and use it as positive and powerful force you will find that old fears, worries and anxieties just fade away.

    Regression hypnotherapy will show you how to guide your client through the painful experience of the past, so that they can release trapped emotions that often sabotage their success. You will also learn how to successfully manage an unexpected abreaction. An abreaction is when a client has a sudden, strong and often unexpected emotional response during hypnotherapy. You will learn how to recognize it, value it and use it to move your client past emotional blocks and self-sabotage. One thing to remember is this, if you are working with a client and they have an abreaction, you can feel very privileged that their subconscious mind felt safe and secure enough with you to allow strong private feelings to surface. With that understanding, let me reassure you that you will learn the effective step-by-step process to manage abreactions and to successfully use regression hypnotherapy in your practice.

    Some of the skills you will master include:

    • Regression hypnotherapy
    • Trauma Release Techniques
    • How to enable clients to reframe painful memories as powerful learning experiences
    • How to help clients end self-sabotage
    • Eye Movement Integration Therapy for Trauma Processing
    • The powerful VK Dissociation Technique
    • How to avoid False Memory Syndrome and Confabulation

    Cognitive Restructuring

    So many people struggle to achieve lasting success because they end up sabotaging their own efforts. They make great efforts to change, but then a setback leaves them feeling like a failure all over again. This module will teach you how to help your clients end self-sabotage for once and for all without having to use regression hypnotherapy.

    You will learn how to use Parts Therapy to communicate with the sabotaging personality part of your client mind and discover its positive intention. You will learn how to get the part of their personality that sabotages success ‘on-board’ so that it works for the client and not against him or her.

    Weight Management and Gastric Band Hypnotherapy

    This module demonstrates the most effective weight loss interventions that deliver consistent results. You will learn how to –

    • Use cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy to help client’s structure a well thought out weight loss plan
    • Teach clients how to establish an effective ‘reward’ system for weight-loss milestones achieved
    • Help clients manage set-backs and overcome failure mentality when they slip-up or break their diet
    • Use prospective imagination to enable clients to go forward in time and experience the benefits of weight loss and to recognise the pitfalls that could stop them losing weight
    • Deliver an effective Virtual Gastric Band programme to clients that is based on proven scientific interventions for long-term weight loss maintenance.
    • Use ‘interventions’ instead of ‘suggestions’ to build a reputation as a highly effective weight-loss therapist
    • HBA Diploma Course in Hypnotherapy Certification and Accreditation
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

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