Course details

This programme is aimed at any individual who is, or intends to be involved in managing people or working as part of a team. It will also benefit HR Professionals with an interest in Performance Management or People Development. It covers the key principles of coaching and gives students the skills and confidence to coach, influence and motivate others in order to maximise their potential.

Programme Aims and Objectives

On completion of the programme each student will have explored the key theories of performance maximisation utilising coaching, influencing and motivation. Each student will then develop the confidence to apply these skills with their colleagues. On completion of the Diploma in Coaching for Performance students should have acquired the skills to:

  • Influence and gain commitment from people to change and set performance goals
  • Support others in the development of action plans to maximise performance
  • Help others to recognise and overcome their limiting beliefs
  • Enhance their coaching skills and be able to use a variety of tools
  • Evaluate their own performance as a coach
  • Show how coaching can impact on the performance of an organisation


To be awarded the Diploma in Coaching for Performance, students will be required to complete a written assignment (70%) and presentation (30%).

Programme Content

Introduction to Coaching Methods

This session will introduce the concept of coaching and its origins. Students will understand and practice key coaching skills and techniques. As well as best practice coaching techniques the course will also cover topics like Emotional Intelligence and NLP. These will be used throughout the ten week programme.

Understanding Human Behaviour

This session helps students understand how people are motivated and will look at how limiting beliefs can impede progress. It will also look at how ‘blind spots’ can limit our growth and will evaluate how coaching can be used to achieve performance goals.

The Coaching Relationship

This session enables students to set to consider how best to create an environment that will help to enhance the quality of the coaching relationship and how the expectations of both coach and performer are managed and helps students to deal with difficult situations in particular when they are faced with challenging performance and behaviours that are not in line with business expectations.

Coach Competencies

This module enables students to look at what competencies are required in order to become an effective coach and how best to enhance those competencies. This module will involve students being coached on those areas that they would like to improve.

Using Coaching Models and Tools

This session explores a number of models and tools available to help them to structure their coaching sessions. It will allow students to evaluate a rage of different models and tools and evaluate their effectiveness.

Coaching within Organisations

This session explores the added challenges faced when working within organisations. It will examine the concept of the Coaching Culture, look at team coaching and the issues that can arise when coaching teams. It will also look at working with external coaches and what to look for when recruiting external coaches.

Evaluating Coaching Interventions

This session enables students to validate and evaluate their coaching effectiveness in qualitative and quantitative terms.

Psychometrics and Emotional Intelligence

These modules will examine the role of psychometrics in coaching and will also look at the concept of Emotional Intelligence.

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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We_They specialises in the provision of career focused business and law education as well as the delivery of contemporary programmes in the areas of arts, media, social science, humanities and psychology. This is an exciting time for you as you lay the foundations for the rest of your life. At We_They we will do all that we can to help you to make the right choices for your future and a programme of study at We_They will give you the best possible start in your career. We have developed our courses in collaboration with industry and professional bodies, so that when you graduate, in addition to your academic qualifications, you will have the skills and knowledge to begin a successful career. Our ethos is to provide programmes which are highly focused and relevant to domestic and international students which employ innovative approaches to teaching and learning. 

One of these innovations is We_They Advantage. We_They Advantage is an initiative which gives students the opportunity to engage in a development programme run parallel to their academic studies that prepares students for the workplace. It has long been recognised that the role of third level is not simply to impart knowledge but to contribute to maintaining a competitive and a ‘smart’ economy, and also to play a valuable part in the holistic development of the person. Part of this development relates to the fostering of ‘transferable’ or ‘generic’ skills in inpiduals. Examples of such skills are communication skills, planning, leadership, multi-tasking etc. – skills that are essential not just in learning or work situations, but in all areas of life. We_They Advantage assists We_They students in developing these important skills.

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