Udemy Dental X-rays for Dum Dums Udemy
Price: AED 404
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Have you ever been in a dental office, in a dental chair for your a dental checkup and had dental X-rays shown to you? Did you understand what you were seeing? Was it clear where the cavities were, or what the little white spots meant?

This lecture series is designed to explain to the non-dentist (anyone who has not had multiple years of dentalradiology training) the basics of digital dental X-rays.

If youre at all interested in understanding more about what we (as dentists) see and what it means to us and to you, this is the course for you.

Impress your friends by helping to explainwhat you seeon their dental X-rays!

Not designed to be an end-all of dental radiology courses, but rather a soft introduction to some of the basics of what you will see at your average dental office when youre sitting in the chair.

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

Updated on 20 February, 2020
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