Course details

This course teaches the fundamentals of Apache Cassandra 2.0 architecture,installation, configuration, administration, data modelling, tools.

Course Content: 

  • Introducing Big Data and Cassandra
  • Understand Big Data
  • Describe Apache Cassandra
  • Understand common use cases
  • Survey the Cassandra architecture
  • Installing, configuring and running Cassandra locally
  • Prepare the operating system
  • Select and install a Cassandra version
  • Configure Cassandra for a single node
  • Start and stop a Cassandra instance
  • Introducing the Cassandra Data Model and Cassandra Query Language
  • Describe the Cassandra data model
  • Introduce cqlsh
  • Describe the DDL subset of CQL
  • Introduce DevCenter
  • Describe the DML subset of CQL
  • Understand basics of data modelling for Cassandra
  • Introducing Cassandra tools
  • Configure nodes and clusters using CCM
  • Introduce and use clash shell commands
  • Introduce and use nodetool
  • Populate and test nodes using cassandra-stress
  • Identify additional Cassandra tools
  • Understanding Cassandra’s internal architecture
  • Understand how requests are coordinated
  • Understand replication
  • Understand and tune consistency
  • Understand how nodes communicate
  • Understand the system keyspace
  • Working with the Cassandra write path
  • Understand how data is written to the storage engine
  • Understand the data directories
  • Working with the Cassandra read path
  • Understand how data is read from the storage engine
  • Introduce anti-entropy operations
  • Read data from Cassandra
  • Understanding Compaction
  • Understand Cassandra Compaction and its necessity
  • Choose and implement compaction strategies
  • Introducing hardware planning and troubleshooting

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Participants who take this course will gain an understanding of - What is meant by Big Data
  • The evolution of Apache Cassandra
  • Understand common use cases
  • Installing & operating Cassandra. Cassandra read/write internals. Cassandra Troubleshooting
  • Data modelling in CQL. Using Cassandra tools

Course Assessment: 

Throughout the programme

Updated on 08 November, 2015

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they believe that training and up-skilling are key elements in keeping Irish companies competitive.

they fund groups of companies in the same region/sector, and with similar training needs, through training networks that deliver subsidised training to Irish businesses. 

Employer needs are addressed through both the preservation and growth of jobs, focusing on skills to maintain businesses and protect jobs as theyll as the enhancement of new skills to create new jobs.

The needs of unemployed people are addressed through activation and conversion by focusing on integrated training with employees and dedicated conversion ctheirses and work placement in areas of employment potential.

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