Course details
This course presents an example of how to apply a database application development methodology to a major real-world project. All the database concepts, techniques and tools that are needed to develop a database application from scratch will be introduced along the way as you apply them to your own major class team project. In addition to the development methodology, techniques and tools learned in this course will include the Extended Entity Relationship Model, the Relational
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This course presents an example of how to apply a database application development methodology to a major real-world project. All the database concepts, techniques and tools that are needed to develop a database application from scratch will be introduced along the way as you apply them to your own major class team project. In addition to the development methodology, techniques and tools learned in this course will include the Extended Entity Relationship Model, the Relational Model, Relational algebra, calculus and SQL, database normalization, efficiency and indexing. Finally, techniques and tools for metadata management and archival will be presented.
Updated on 17 September, 2019 - Read Less