Database Management Systems 2 (5 Credits) Galway-Mayo IT - Letterfrack
Price: AED 1,260

    Course details

    This 5-credit module is intended to introduce students to data design and modelling using a database technology in the context of the business environment.

    Learning Outcomes:

    On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to:

    • Illustrate the usefulness of database systems in an SME environment
    • Contribute to the design, implementation and operation of a database management system typical to the business sector.
    • Plan and design a database using Entity Relationship Modelling.
    • Normalise a set of entities.
    • Be familiar with data integrity and security concepts


    The module will be taught predominantly through lecturers.

    Database Theory:

    • Introduction to databases
    • The database management system
    • Components of the DBMS Roles in the database environment
    • Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS
    • The relational model Integrity constraints
    • Database planning, design and administration
    • Fact finding techniques

    Entity Relationship Modelling:

    • Entity types
    • Relationship types
    • Attributes Structural constraints
    • Problems with ER models


    • The purpose of Normalisation
    • How normalisation supports database design
    • Data redundancy
    • Functional dependencies
    Updated on 08 November, 2015

    About Galway-Mayo IT - Letterfrack

    "At GMIT they develop life-long learning opportunities through their teaching and research, by supporting regional development consistent with national higher education policy."
    Learning is and will be the core activity of the Institute, bringing students, staff and the region together to share, apply, test and create knowledge;
    GMIT will continue to develop as a regional organisation with an international focus committed to the personal and professional enrichment of its students, the needs of its region, national priorities and global opportunities;
    GMIT will both shape and respond to the perspectives and expectations of its stakeholders and will work in collaboration with them to meet their needs;
    GMIT will be an organisation characterised by its flexibility, creativity, responsiveness and a capacity to adapt.
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