Udemy Data Science : Master Machine Learning Without Coding Udemy
Price: AED 459

    Course details

                                                   SHORTEN YOUR LEARNING CURVE - MASTER MACHINE 

                                                                LEARNING AND DATA SCIENCE QUICKLY!

    One of the most common problems learners have when jumping into Machine Learning and Data Science is the steep learning curve, and when you add to this the complexity of learning programming languages like Python or R you can get demotivated and lose interest fast.

                                                               A DIFFERENT & MORE EFFECTIVE APPROACH

                                                                              TO LEARNING DATA SCIENCE:

    In this course you will learn the basic concepts of machine learning using a visual tool. Where you can just drag drop machine learning algorithms and all other functionality hiding the ugliness of code, making it much more easier to grasp the fundamental concepts.

                                                                WE'LL BUILD SUPERVISED MACHINE LEARNING

                                                                                   ALGORITHMS TOGETHER:

    I will "hand-hold" you as we build from scratch 2 different types of supervised machine learning algorithms used in the real world, across several industries and I will explain where and how they are used.

                                                                    LEARN BOTH THE THEORY & APPLICATION

                                                                                       OF MACHINE LEARNING:

    The course will teach you those fundamental concepts of machine learning by implementing practical exercises which are based on live examples. You will learn the theory, but get hands on practice building these machine learning algorithms.

    You'll also get access to:

    • The datasets used in the exercises

    • The solution files of the completed exercises

    • cheat sheets to help you remember the fundamental concepts

    Join the class now!

    Updated on 18 February, 2018
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