Skill Up Data Analysis: PowerBI Formulas Skill Up
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 2 Hours Start now
  • Accredited by: CPD Qualification Standards
  • Certificates:
  • Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format

Course details

Welcome to the captivating realm of "Data Analysis: PowerBI Formulas," where the language of numbers transforms into an enchanting symphony of insights. Picture yourself as a data virtuoso, decoding the secrets hidden within the digits. In this transformative journey, the course is your magic wand, weaving formulas that unravel the mysteries of data, turning complexity into clarity. Let the rhythm of your learning dance with the melody of PowerBI, as you embark on a voyage through the captivating world of data analysis.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Master the art of crafting powerful formulas in PowerBI to unveil data narratives.
  • Develop a keen eye for patterns and trends, becoming a discerning data storyteller.
  • Elevate your analytical prowess by decoding complex datasets with ease and precision.
  • Gain proficiency in leveraging PowerBI formulas for effective decision-making.
  • Acquire the ability to transform raw data into actionable insights, empowering your data-driven journey.
Updated on 04 January, 2024

Eligibility / Requirements

Why Buy This Course:

  • Unlock the potential to decipher data intricacies with user-friendly PowerBI formulas.
  • Immerse yourself in a learning experience designed for simplicity and immediate application.
  • Elevate your career prospects by mastering the art of data analysis with PowerBI.
  • Gain a competitive edge in the job market with sought-after data analytics skills.
  • Experience a captivating blend of creativity and logic in the world of data interpretation.
Who Is This Course For:
  • Aspiring data enthusiasts seeking to enhance their analytical capabilities.
  • Business professionals aiming to harness the power of data for strategic decision-making.
  • Students eager to stand out in the competitive landscape with practical data skills.
  • Anyone curious about transforming raw data into meaningful narratives without a hands-on approach.
  • Individuals looking for a non-technical yet comprehensive introduction to PowerBI formulas.

About Skill Up

Skillup is a learning platform that provides one of the most engaging e-learning experiences available. Among the large choice of training courses available, you'll undoubtedly find something that suits you. We can assist you in achieving your objectives, whether it's to improve your current knowledge or gain new skills. In addition to our professionally accredited courses, we offer a free CV evaluation within 24 hours of submitting your application.

Assessment and Certification
You will be expected to take an online multiple-choice test at the end of the course. Your exam will be graded automatically and promptly, so you'll know right away whether or not you passed. After you have successfully passed the final exam, you will be able to order an Accredited Certificate of Achievement at an additional cost of £6.99 for a PDF copy and £9.99 for an original print copy sent to you by post or for both at £14.99.

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