Customer Service Communication Skills MECAT Education Training and Consulting
Price: BHD 308

    Course details

    In customer-oriented business environment, people skills are critical for career advancement and organizational effectiveness. This course emphasizes the importance of providing customer service excellence in a competitive environment, proven strategies for service recovery and negotiation techniques for dealing with difficult customers in a professional manner.

    Targeting Audience 

    This course is recommended to frontline customer service representatives, team supervisors,+ Read More

    About MECAT Education Training and Consulting

    MECAT is a pioneering and innovative training academy that is unmatched in its forward-looking and scientific approach to training. We strive to build a creative, successful, well-rounded professional. Active learning constitutes our modus operandi and our methods utilize the latest in the world of educational neuroscience and technology.
    Our courses cover different areas including Business, Education, Social and Soft Skills Programs.

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