Course details

The course is about understanding fundamentals of customer choice and enable participants to use R for customer choice modeling.

The course contains video lectures, power-point slides and handouts in PDF format.

The course will take approximately 4 hours to complete including study material provided.

The course starts with a basic introduction (video lecture) to customer choice. Section 2 covers basics of customer choice (powerpoint slides and audio instruction). Section 3 explains fundamentals of Conjoint Analysis (powerpoint slides and audio instruction) with worked example. Section 4 is a hands on session on conducting Conjoint Analysis on R (video). Session 5 explains fundamentals of Multinomial Logit (powerpoint slides and audio instruction) with worked example. Section 6 is a hands on session on conducting Multinomial Logit on R (video). Section 7 is a quick recap of the entire course with key points (powerpoint slides and audio instruction). Additional information and Bibliography is provided along with the course (PDF).

Product Managers, Customer Relationship Managers, Marketers, Students, Researchers etc. need to understand their customers' choices better to provide them products and services which they prefer. This course sensitizes them to understand and statistically model customer choices and discover insights for better strategic decision making.

Updated on 30 December, 2017

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