Course details

This is the first and only online Essay Writing Course catered to Primary and Lower Secondary school students of Singapore.

This course will teach you how to write a proper Narrative Essay to score good grades for your essay writing examinations. This course is open to Primary / Elementary or Secondary / Middle School students. Parents who wish to tutor their child in Narrative Essay writing can also learn from this course.

The techniques taught in this course have been successfully applied by students, (especially those who need to take PSLE exams in Singapore), and they have all seen a remarkable improvement in their grades. The essay writing techniques taught here are simple, effective and easy to apply.

If you have any questions, you can post questions onto the discussion board of the course and he will answer them there.

In this course, you will learn the following:

- How to tackle the new PSLE Format

- Avoid common mistakes and clichés made by other students

- Planning your essay ( breaking your essay up into 4 parts, what are the key points to consider when planning each part of your essay.)

-How to write 5 different kinds of Introduction ( Easy to learn and apply!)

- Building suspense (Breaking up sequences, Dropping hints, Character's reactions).

- Writing the most exciting part of your story ( Describe the Climatic moment)

- Additional Complications ( Make the Problem or Conflict worse!)

- Proper paragraphing

- How to give detailed descriptions ( Slow-motion, 5 senses.)

- Resolving the Conflict / Problem ( Keeping it simple and logical, other ideas)

- Give a satisfying ending (Tying up loose ends, Reflections, Future plans)

After going through the lessons, you will be able to write beautiful essays that will impress your teachers or examiners. All you need to do is just apply the simple techniques taught in this course!

Updated on 26 December, 2017
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