Course details
There are 3 levels of Genesis : (Training Program, Material & Learner)
The Training Program Genesis:
What is Creative Training Techniques
- Training Road Map
- Pike Laws
Presentation Preparation
Eight steps to effective instructional system design
- Step One: List the needs general & Specific
- Step Two: Assess your audience
- Step three: Decide your aim
- Step Four: Plan your approach
- Step Five: Plan Your Lesson Development
- Step Six: Plan Your Lesson application
- Step Seven: Plan a carryover activity
- Step Eight: Gather the training materials and prepare the room.
Presentation Techniques
- Balancing between the WIIFM & MMFIAM
- Opening & closing a presentation
- 7 concepts of memory
- Presentation Design Method
- Problem solving approach
- Past, present, future approach
- New twist approach
- Eight Dynamite Presentation motivators
- Effective Openings
- Building the middle of the presentation
Customizing Training
- Exploring outside options
- Selecting/Modifying/ Customizing Off-the-Shelf Programs
- Eleven Steps to a program that meets your needs
Transforming Existing Training Programs
- CTTizing your training:
- Utilize CPR Concepts
- Follow the 90/20/8
- Builds the C.O.R.E concept
- Includes Transfer strategies
- Include an evaluation plan
- Nine questions to ask before CTTizing your content
- The Material Genesis:
Creative Materials
- Seven Steps to structuring – Project/Roleplay or Case Study
- Designing Effective Project/Roleplay or Case Study
- The Grid Concept
Visual Aids
- Benefits of the A/V aids
- Characteristics of effective A/V aids
- A/V aids major rules
- Types of A/V aids
- The Learner Genesis:
Learner Motivation
- Basic Principles of motivation
- Five ways to squelch motivation
- How to motivate adults
Group Involvement
- Retention Statistics
- CPR concept
- Trainer’s role
- Methods of instructions
- Ways to get participants back from breaks on time
Classroom Management Techniques
Why following the classroom management techniques Seven Keys to classroom management The Genesis Finale:
Closing the Circle
Applying the 7 laws of learning to your presentation The 22 Deadly sins of training
Ticket covers:
- Access to the Creative Training Genesis Course
- Material of Course "Soft Copy"
- Getting " Creative Training Techniques Handbook " Book by
- Robert W. Pike " For Free "
- Certificate of Attendance from CORE Management Consulting and HRCI ( Human Resources Certification Institute )
CORE Management Consulting is now HRCI Approved Provider - No. 601447 and this program has been approved for 30 credit hours recertification credit hours towards PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertififcation through the HR Certification Institute.
Updated on 01 June, 2016Course Location
About Core Management Consultancy
At the age of a dynamic and progressive world, with emerging political and economic challenges reshaping business and investment tracks, entrepreneurs value 'continuous professional development' and high-powered Management Systems to be up to meeting the world dynamics with fortitude of knowledge and skilled problem solving.
CORE Management Consulting took flight with success in 2009 to be part of the Management Revolution Industry, engraving their mark with notable progress in the MENA region as catalyst for business development for a variety of highly successful projects in fields of FMCGs, Health Care, Construction, Business Coaching and Customer Support.
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